Mistakes in the Bible?
In his ignorance man searches for what he considers "mistakes" in the Bible to justify his godless beliefs. He is like a man with a magnifying glass who diligently searches for a tiny dirt speck on the Mona Lisa, so he can justify discarding the whole painting as junk. In the following (extremely applicable) article from The Almost Christian , written in 1661, Matthew Mead addresses the problem: "There is a proud heart in every natural man. There was much pride in Adam's sin-and there is much of it in all Adam's sons. Pride is a radical sin, and from hence arises this over-inflated opinion of a man's spiritual state and condition: 'The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: God, I thank you that I am not like other men-robbers, evildoers, adulterers' (Luke 18:11). This is the unsaved man's motto. "A proud man has an eye to see his beauty-but not his deformity. He sees his abilities-but not his spots. He sees his seem...