Saturday, October 31, 2020

Catholic Teachings that Oppose the Gospel of John

 Excellent slide show presented by Mike Gendron sharing the Gospel!! View it here: Slide Show

Voting with a Biblical Worldview

 (By Mike Gendron;

The sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage and the protection of religious freedom are the key issues for Christians as they cast their vote in this year's election. There is only one party that upholds and supports these Christian values. Therefore, the decision should be easy for those who desire to please God. Yet recent polls indicate that many Christians will vote for the godless party platform which opposes Christian values and promotes a woman's "right" to destroy her unborn baby. What hope do the American people have if the people of God will not stand against evil and the powers of darkness? America is at a crossroads, and the Church must continue to be salt and light and the restraining force against the willing pawns of the evil one. We cannot be cowardly, or complicit or silent. We must stand up and speak out for what is right and true!

Voting Is Our Privilege and Responsibility
What is our Christian responsibility as American citizens? Is it a matter of conscience and Christian liberty as to how we vote? How can we approach this election with a biblical worldview? Our guiding principle should be to honor our Creator by submitting to the authority of His Word. As we make moral decisions, we must obey biblical commands and biblical prohibitions. It is true that we have two flawed candidates; however, the two platforms they represent are polarized morally, politically, and theologically. The two platforms are diametrically opposed on the issues of the sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage. It is important to consider that these are spiritual and moral issues because they are clearly revealed throughout God's Word. All other issues must be secondary to these. As Christians, we must always oppose infanticide, the destruction of traditional marriage, and the pending loss of Christian liberty. Scripture exhorts us to destroy every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God and to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).

Our Votes Could Help Put An End to What God Hates
God hates hands that shed innocent blood. They are an abomination to Him (Prov. 6:16-17). There is nothing more evil or wicked than destroying the innocent life of a defenseless baby in a mother's womb. Those who support politicians who give women the right to murder their unborn children are complicit with those who disobey the clear commandment of God - "...Do not murder" (Luke 18:20). Abortion is morally evil and a serious capital offense that must be outlawed and punished, not condoned, excused, overlooked, or allowed. "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man (Gen. 9:6). Even an inadvertent killing of an unborn baby justified killing the responsible person (Exodus 21:22-23). How much more serious is it when done intentionally? Let us vote righteously to save unborn children who are the most defenseless and helpless of all people. We can be the voice for the voiceless. 

Our Votes Reveal What We Approve or Disapprove
The apostle Paul warned those who give approval to people who practice such wickedness. He wrote: "...although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them (Rom. 1:32). We are to "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them (Eph. 5:11). Christians who support an immoral, ungodly, and unbiblical platform are giving approval to their wicked works of darkness and clearly not reproving them. We are called to "abhor what is evil and hold fast to what is good" (Rom. 12:9). Since God requires government to restrain evil, voting is about supporting the candidate who will restrain as much evil as possible (1 Pet. 2:14).

Our Votes May Determine if We Rejoice or Groan
There is so much at stake in this year's election. After it is over, we will either rejoice or groan. "When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, people groan" (Prov. 29:2). We must vote and vote righteously because "righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people" (Prov. 14:34). Christians have been called out of the world, sanctified by the truth, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live lives pleasing to our Lord. May all of our decisions of the conscience be fortified by a biblical worldview. Let us pray for God's people to do what is right

Friday, October 23, 2020

Psychological Warfare

An excellent article written by Brannon Howse:

 “As you know, there is a massive worldview war going on in America. What most Americans don’t know is that the most powerful weapon in this war is brainwashing. Brainwashing is about power and control. Brainwashing relies upon lies, deception, manipulation, bullying, shaming, the destruction of individualism, the promotion of group consensus, an attack on people of convictions and courage, and the creation of chaos to induce fear and then surrender.

Today, the lies of brainwashing hide under many well-known masking terms such as social justice, the common good, white privilege, racism, multiculturalism, climate change, interfaith dialogue, political correctness, feminism, tolerance, globalism, deconstructionism, anti-authoritarianism, the peace movement, environmental justice, the right to die, universal healthcare, sustainable development, global values, situational ethics, children’s rights, family planning, reparations, gender-equality, group consensus, community standards, a livable wage, and democracy. 

These are just a few of the masking terms that hide the agenda of socialism, cultural Marxism, and the end game goal of globalism. Through my new docuMovie that I am working on even now as you read this letter, l will expose and refute the brainwashing propagated by the power centers, their change agents and the useful idiots within education, media, religion and government.

The success of the decades of brainwashing can be clearly seen through the destructive nature of the values, beliefs, and actions of many Americans. From calls to defund the police, to the murder of police, to assaults on American conservatives, to the arrest of business owners, the lockdown on American churches or synagogues. From the calls for ending America’s free market system, to the burning and looting of American business and the murder of Americans defending those businesses, to the murder of American Jews worshipping in their synagogues, to the murder of children outside of the womb that is now legal in 19 states. These are but a few examples of how America has spiraled to the brink of society collapse because of the lawlessness and violence from enemies both foreign and domestic. 

However, the tactics, philosophies and values of  America’s enemies would be rendered virtually impotent at tearing the fabric of our society if their worldview had not found a prepared, conditioned, and fertile soil in the minds of Americans due to brainwashing. 

Sadly, it is not just the useful idiots in the streets with their violence toward business owners, property, secret service agents, and police officers who have revealed they have been successfully brainwashed. Shockingly, and perhaps to our ultimate collapse as a free society, police officers, FBI agents, military officers and soldiers have also been brainwashed to become the useful idiots of the Communist and globalist agenda by taking a knee before anti-American revolutionaries. 

Those within law enforcement and the U.S. military who have engaged in such asinine behavior have effectively broken their sworn oath to defend America from enemies both foreign and domestic. Their foolish belief that they could find some kind of common ground, dialogue, or even gain credibility or respect from the Communist street thugs by taking a knee reveals that they have been brainwashed to one degree or another. 

A free society, a free people, a constitutional republic, the public officials sworn to uphold the rule of law, can in no way find common ground with socialists, communists, Marxists, anarchists or globalists. Such moronic thinking not only empowers the anti-American revolutionaries, but guarantees that the weakness of such fools who have taken the knee, will almost certainly find themselves once again on their knees. The next time, however, it might be they find themselves on their knees begging before their new masters for their very life or that of their loved ones or fellow Americans.

But how did we reach this point? The answer requires the historical, factual, and sobering docuMovie that I am producing even as you read this letter. The question can be answered in four words: Americans have been brainwashed.

When the American POWs from the Korean War came home and discovered they had been brainwashed, the common response was “if we had only known.” By knowing the tactics of brainwashing, by exposing the deception and manipulation, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from this powerful weapon of brainwashing.

Many Americans have proven they have been brainwashed by believing that the source of all suffering and oppression is Christianity and the free market system. Social Justice propagandist Shaun King declared that statues of Jesus should be torn down as they promote white supremacy. Even the U.S. Army found itself in the summer of 2020 having to pull a handout to troops that stated that the slogan “Make America Great Again,” or the acronym MAGA, showed sympathy toward white supremacy. 

Countless Americans now believe that America’s Founding Fathers were racists despite the numerous founders who never owned slaves, and the many who openly wrote about the need to abolish slavery. In fact, some schools now teach that America’s founders were actually terrorists. According to the propagandists, the founders were terrorists, but if you point out the connection between terrorism and Islam, then you are practicing Islamophobia, and thus, you are a racist. 

So successful has the brainwashing operation in America been, that in the summer of 2020, Americans were tearing down one statue after another of American patriots who sacrificed their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor so that America might be conceived.

But it is not just the patriots of the past who are under siege, but the patriots of today. If you stand for the national anthem, celebrate the fourth of July, and believe in the free market system, national borders, and national sovereignty, then you are a racist, according to the purveyors of the politically correct propaganda that is at the very foundation of their brainwashing operation.

After years and years of research and study, I will, through this forthcoming docuMovie, reveal to you twelve steps that I have discovered which have been used over and over since at least the 1930s to brainwash billions of people to this day and counting. 

I have spent 30 years researching, writing and speaking on such topics such as outcome-based education that was hiding under such federal education programs as America 2000, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and Common Core. These programs, of course, were largely based on the brainwashing techniques of psychologist, Benjamin Bloom and behavior psychologist, B.F. Skinner. So the fact of the matter is, I have been studying this topic of brainwashing intensely since 1990. 

While working on the script, I wondered many times how could I most effectively communicate to my audience just how dangerous and deliberate are the techniques of brainwashing. How could I show them that these brainwashing techniques are assisting in the attempted Marxist revolution now occurring in America? I also needed to convey to my audience how the techniques of brainwashing, the manipulation and the control are often undetectable to the untrained individual. What could I point to in culture, history, politics, and economics in order to prove to my audience they have been subjected to the lies, manipulation, and deception of a brainwashing operation? 

And then the Communist Chinese Coronavirus exploitation of 2020 occurred. Now, please don’t get me wrong. I am not denying the reality of Coronavirus or Covid-19 or that many people became very sick or even developed respiratory infections that resulted in their deaths. 

However, it is a proven fact that the fatality rate of those who contracted the Coronavirus or Covid-19 was the average age of 78 years of age and many of those patients had underlying conditions.

When I began to report on the Coronavirus in January of 2020 on my national radio show, I urged caution because of the possibility, as stated by U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, that the virus could have come from a level-4 bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China.

In the March 1, 2020 episode of WVW hour, I began to warn my radio and television audience that the virus was going to be used as a political, social, and economic weapon to greatly transform America and even the world. I warned that fear and anxiety would be used to convince Americans to give up their liberties, freedoms, and way of life in a manner that would have been unthinkable in 2019. So unthinkable that anyone presenting a movie script in 2019 on the actual events that unfolded in 2020, would have been ridiculed as impossible, and not a plausible script or prediction.

Americans before 2020 would have thought it would be impossible that Americans could be so easily manipulated and controlled by contradictory facts, fake science, fake news, manipulated numbers, and tyrannical powers without a good old fashioned American uprising from coast to coast. Yet, Americans, and many others around the world, went as lambs to the slaughter, and allowed the very life blood of their business to be drained, their freedom to travel and move about to be restricted, their ability to socialize outlawed, to be married in a traditional manner eliminated, to collectively mourn at the funeral of a loved one prohibited, and the right to congregate and worship criminalized by large fines and even arrest. 

Once the tragic death of George Floyd occurred, the same politicians and Marxist media members declared that while you could not go to church for the social good, they encouraged thousands to join in on the riots, looting and burning for the Marxism of social justice. Americans were told that going to a conservative political rally was selfish, dangerous, a threat to public safety and yet, attending a liberal protest or riot was declared vital to stopping the advancement of the so-called fascism of conservatives. 

Americans were told that for two weeks they needed to shut down their schools, businesses, conferences, churches, synagogues, and even social events in their homes in order to flatten the curve and keep the hospitals from filling to beyond capacity. When the overflow of hospitals in the vast majority of America did not occur, Americans in many cities were told businesses must still remain closed or adhere to a 50% of capacity policy that would guarantee that countless businesses would forever have to shut their doors. Initially, Americans were told not to wear masks because they were not necessary and they did not prevent the spread of the virus. Then they were told they must wear a mask and practice social distancing or they could be fined thousands of dollars.

The largest employer in America is small business and yet, many small business were forced to close by tyrannical politicians who declared themselves medical and scientific experts. Ironically, many large multi-national corporations were allowed to remain open, while mom and pop businesses that sold the same products and services were closed due to legal demands. In some cities, abortion clinics, liquor stores, and pot stores remained open because they were deemed ‘essential services,’ while gun stores and churches were closed. The church doors were forced closed while the prison doors were flown open for countless criminals to return to the streets.  Yet citizens were told that obtaining a firearm for personal protection was not an essential service.

The father of the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx said, “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” Indeed, the Communist Chinese Coronavirus gave the Marxist left in America a great weapon by which to control when and where people could worship God and destroy untold businesses of capitalists.

The more I study the fake science, contradictions, government over-reach, and fear mongering that has been deployed by change agents, known cultural Marxists, globalists, and socialists within America, the more I believe their response to the Coronavirus has been a huge psychological warfare program carried out on the American people. After all, the daily site of people walking around wearing face masks, the inability to see their smile, and the prison-warden-like orders to stay six feet apart is all enough to steal your peace, and cause frustration for some, and understandable fear and anxiety in others. However, fear and anxiety is a powerful tool in a brainwashing operation. 

In my last docuMovie released in December of 2019, I had a section on the Tavistock Institute. I warned Americans to be aware of the very psychological operation based on the Tavistock method that was ironically released on Americans and even the world, just a few weeks after my documentary Siege was released. (You can watch one hour of Siege for free at

The Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology was founded in 1920, and the Tavistock Institute was started in 1946. Dr. Dennis Cuddy gives us some important history when he writes:

John Rawlings Rees (who would be a co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health in 1948) was Deputy Director of Tavistock at this time (he would become Director in 1932). Rees developed the “Tavistock Method,” which induces and controls stress via what Reese called “psychologically controlled environments,” in order to make people give up firmly held beliefs under “peer pressure.”  

The goal is to make an example of those who are non-compliant to the agenda of the change agents. Then a psychological process rooted in brainwashing and control is deployed on the targeted subjects in order to pressure them into surrendering to the pre-determined anti-American, anti-Christian values of those running the psychological operation, lest they be embarrassed and labeled as “mentally ill,” “racist,” “a fascist,” suffering from “white privilege,” “toxic masculinity,” “selfishness,” and “narcism.”

On July 22, 2020, Newsweek ran the headline: “Narcissists and Psychopaths Are More Likely to Refuse to Wear Masks, Says New Research.” The study by a group of social sciences reported that those who did not comply with mask orders were likely suffering from "Dark Triad traits—narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism.”

Those who refused to conform to the herd mentality, fake science, hysteria and tyrannical orders to wear a face mask likely saw the “government coronavirus restrictions as a challenge to the individual's illusion of power.”

The Newsweek article reported: “the study found that ‘being rivalrous, caring little for others, and cynical and power-seeking may create a 'perfect storm' of dispositions that lead to an unwillingness to comply in a combative way.”

In early 2020, the CDC encouraged people not to wear a face mask, and then they did a 180 and the CDC said individuals should wear a mask. Then there was the flip flopping of Anthony Fauci. The constant contradictory information, whether on purpose or not, is key to confusing people and causing them to be so overwhelmed that they don’t know who or what to believe, and thus they just follow the herd. 

One sure way to get Americans to “let go” of their values, reason, and logic, and ultimately their freedoms is to subject them to peer pressure by convincing them that they are in the minority. Not only must they be convinced they are in the minority, they must also be afraid of being labeled or ridiculed by the majority for their “unacceptable” or selfish practice of their liberties, or the practice of their deeply held conservative or religious views.  

The Tavistock Institute studied how to bombard individuals with stress and then a period of calm, and then truth mixed with lies. This mental assault using the Hegelian dialectic of opposites in constant conflict would confuse the subjects and leave them unable to reason or even concentrate for any length of time. The manufactured chaos, in part, was intended to mimic the emotions, fear, and anxiety an individual would experience in a time of war. 

Psychiatrist, Dr. William Sargant of the Tavistock Institute explained this process in his 1957 book, Battle for the Mind. He wrote:

Various types of belief can be implanted in many people, after brain function has been sufficiently distributed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger or excitement. One of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of ‘herd instincts,” and appear most spectacular in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.

Edward Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. Bernays was a much praised expert in the area of public relations and propaganda. He worked with governments and corporations in how to control the masses and influence them both politically and in their purchases. Bernays was concerned with how to use crowd psychology to achieve a herd instinct, just as desired by the Tavistock Institute.

In his 1928 book entitled “Propaganda,” he wrote:

Those who manipulate the organized habits and options of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of the country…It remains a fact that in almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons… It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind and guide the world… As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented.

The Rockefellers funded the Tavistock Institute and ironically, they are now behind many agendas that the Communist Chinese Coronavirus has apparently furthered. In fact, the Rockefellers produced a document in 2010 that pretty much predicted the 2020 Coronavirus and the tyrannical response. The Rockefeller sponsored report was called Lockstep. The fictional Rockefeller scenario predicted the American people would embrace the loss of their liberties and freedoms with the promise of returning their lives and the economy to normal; the new normal. 

In 1984, former KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov, who defected to the United States, sought to warn Americans about the four stages of a Marxist revolution and the role that brainwashing plays. He warned that the revolution, fueled by brainwashing, ends with a new normal. Demoralize, destabilize, chaos, and the new normal after the revolution. 

As we are now in the fall of 2020, America is clearly in the chaos stage of the four steps of revolution, just as Yuri warned in 1984. Sadly, America appears to be in the early stages of a pre-Marxist revolution. Whether we turn back this revolution is yet to be seen as it is not yet known if the silent majority of Americans will allow this red-green revolution to be successful.

To this very day, Communist countries continue to orchestrate disinformation campaigns and psychological warfare upon Americans because they know they have had success for many generations. Even the liberal foreign policy website declared in June of 2020 that the Black Lives Matter movement could count Communist China as an ally.

In 1984, Former KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov explained that much of the efforts of the Communists has been and continues to be a disinformation or brainwashing campaign in order to turn Americans against their own national values and to thus create chaos in the streets by which to collapse America from within.

Consider the Black Lives Matter agenda. I warned about this movement extensively in my 2018 documentary, Sabotage. This organization was founded by three women who do not hide their Communist ideology. Not only do the founders promote their Communist philosophies and mission statement on their own website, in 2015, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors declared, “We are trained Marxists.”

Yet, a July 2020 survey reported that 63% of Americans support the Black Lives Matter Movement. 

The Black Lives Matter website has stated their goal is to defund the police and to divert that money to social programs for the redistribution of wealth, and the furtherance of socialism. In a recent video, 1 of the 3 founders of BLM admits that by defunding the police, they mean “abolish” the police. What we would be left with is Antifa and BLM black shirts running our major American cities, just like Hitler’s brown shirts in the 1930s. 

In August of 2020, I released a one-hour television program in which I played video clips of two of the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement discussing how they call on the spirits of the dead to energize them to accomplish the goals of their agenda. You can watch that TV show right now at

We cannot say we were not warned years ago as to the brainwashing tactics of the Communists who sought to conquer America without firing a shot. The Communists have been very successful as one survey after another reveals that a dangerous percentage of Americans are indeed willing to embrace socialism, the economic system of Communism.”

Monday, October 19, 2020

Covid, Media, and Brainwashing Cult

 (The excerpt was taken from an article written by Leo Hohmann entitled: Reject the Cult of Groupthink, or Become Its Slave;)

If you want to know if you have been brainwashed by this cult, I have developed a quick test for you to self-diagnose.

True or false?

  • More than 214,000 American deaths can be directly attributed to COVID-19.
  • 15 Days to Slow the Spread was an emergency plan put into place to “flatten the curve” and save hospitals from being overwhelmed by COVID patients.
  • Wearing masks protects you and others from COVID. Going maskless is not only rude but could “literally” lead to the murder of your fellow Americans.
  • We must be wary of “asymptomatic super spreaders” who look normal and healthy but could be infected with a virus that’s untreatable and extremely deadly.
  • Everyone who tests positive for COVID has COVID and the number of positive tests is equal to the number of active “cases” being reported daily in the media.

If you answered “true” to one or more of the above five questions, then you have been infected by the groupthink virus. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. The vast majority of your fellow Americans were sucked into the same vortex of irrational panic.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the five questions in our test.

  • The number of COVID deaths has been vastly inflated by the CDC, which issued guidelines for hospitals that gave doctors wide latitude to declare COVID as the cause of death in people who died this year. If a person died with symptoms that appeared to be COVID, the doctors were encouraged to “presume” that the death was indeed caused by COVID. The CDC later estimated that only 6 percent of the total deaths attributed to COVID were caused by COVID alone.
  • 15 days to slow the spread had nothing to do with hospitals or “flattening the curve.” No hospital, with the possible exception of one in New York City, has ever been overwhelmed by COVID. Tent hospitals were set up nationwide in anticipation of a barrage of sick people. Virtually all went unused, yet 15 days to slow the spread was extended, extended and extended as governors overnight took on dictatorial powers through state emergency powers laws. Nine months later, with hospitals still running well below capacity, the restrictions on family gatherings, church services and certain “non-essential” businesses continues in many states.
  • As for mask wearing, a CDC report released in September shows that face coverings are not effectivein preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.
  • It’s virtually impossible for a healthy asymptomatic carrier to spread coronavirus because the viral load is insufficient to infect someone else, which in the vast majority of cases is done by coughing and sneezing.
  • Testing positive for COVID does not necessarily mean that you have COVID. The PCR Test, we now know, can cause almost anyone to test positive depending on the sensitivity level of the pre-sets. This is because the common cold is also a coronavirus and all humans who have ever had a cold have remnants of past coronaviruses still in their system. So the test can detect those inactive remnants and may throw up a false “positive.” That hasn’t stopped the media onslaught. After the number of deaths from COVID started dropping, they simply switched their messaging from deaths to “cases.” They report daily on “hotspots” and “causes for concern” when in fact they are basing these reports merely on the number of positive tests, not the number of actual cases of sick people. Ask yourself, when have you ever seen the media report daily case numbers for any other virus?

Joe Biden: Plot & Plans

 (Excerpt taken from an article by Kevin Freeman):

“The Biden Campaign began the game by encouraging three states with Democratic

governors—North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan—to ask for recounts. As the game developed, governors in two of the three (Wisconsin and Michigan) sent separate slates of electors to counter those sent by the state legislature.
At the end of the first turn, the country was in the midst of a full-blown constitutional crisis characterized by: 1) Political chaos; 2) Widespread threats of violence, and sporadic actual violence in the streets; and 4) A hostile, dangerous, highly-partisan, and frequently unconstrained information and media environment.
The Biden Campaign encouraged Western states, particularly California but also Oregon and Washington, and collectively known as “Cascadia,” to secede from the Union unless Congressional Republicans agreed to a set of structural reforms to fix our democratic system to ensure majority rule. With advice from President Obama, the Biden Campaign submitted a proposal to 1) Give statehood to Washington, DC and Puerto Rico; 2) Divide California into five states to more accurately represent its population in the Senate; 3) Require Supreme Court justices to retire at 70; and 4) Eliminate the Electoral College, to ensure that the candidate who wins to the popular vote becomes President
One of the most consequential moves was that Team Biden on January 6 provoked a breakdown in the joint session of Congress by getting the House of Representatives to agree to award the presidency to Biden…
Keep in mind that this is the plan in the case of a Clear Trump Win. What does the far left have in mind if Biden wins????

Rest assured the plans may appear less violent at first. But the end result would be horrifying for traditional, freedom-loving Americans. You may have noticed that Joe Biden has already dramatically shifted to the far left. That’s so true that even Bernie Sanders is impressed, promising that a Biden administration would be the most progressive since FDR. That’s code for “he’s now one of us.” That is troubling, to say the least, given Sanders love for Marxist dictators. There are even reports that President Obama is concerned the push to the left is happening too fast.

Despite what he says now, Joe Biden has stood firmly against America’s fossil fuel renaissance, promising to end fossil fuel, promising to end fracking. He can’t admit that now because he would lose badly in energy states. But both he and Kamala were very clear on record during the primaries. And the financial markets understand this.

Joe Biden has also adopted the radical LGBTQ agenda to an unbelievable degree, including advocating for 8-year olds wanting sex-change operations. He has a far-progressive climate agenda (even supporting the framework of the Green New Deal whether he admits it or not). He has been vocally defending Obamacare even as his plan would radically undo it with a push to a single-payer system.

Beyond that, everyone must know by now that the radical left wants Biden to push a “court packing” plan that FDR tried to implement to guarantee a complete radical takeover of government. He has so far refused to let the American people know his plans. But almost every observer understands that if he were not going to pack the court, he would have said that by now. This “cat and mouse” game is an attempt to keep his progressive base engaged without scaring the rest of us. It’s obvious that if Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed, Biden will agree to shift the Court far to the left by packing it. The left isn’t worried about retaliation because they have no intention of ever losing power once they take it.

Biden also has tried to be cagey regarding his tax plans. He promises to repeal the Trump tax cuts on Day One and that would, without question, raise taxes on most Americans, even those with lower income. But then he promises not to raise taxes on any but the wealthy. He’s lying, of course, but hoping most American voters won’t pay attention. A James Madison Institute study showed that in spending alone, the Biden plan would cost $49,000 per family over a decade. That is almost an entire year’s income for an average family. Even a Bloomberg report acknowledges that his announced plans would stifle the economy.

Biden is considering New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to be his Attorney General. That’s the same Cuomo who sentenced people to their deaths in nursing homes through his Covid policy. While the left is so eager to pin Covid deaths on the President, the facts show that a large percentage of those deaths came from Cuomo’s ridiculous order sending Covid patients to live among our most vulnerable population. And yes, this is the same Cuomo who is very clearly discriminating against the Orthodox Jewish communities in New York. This is outright religious discrimination.

So who will protect Americans? Biden refuses to truly condemn Antifa. He has flirted with the “defund the police” crowd. He has stood against American Second Amendment rights. So how will we be safe in a Biden administration?

There are also suggestions that Biden might appoint Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of Defense. That would be an absolute disaster for our Armed Forces. Clinton has been seen as hostile to our military. She was at the center of the Benghazi disaster scandal.

We also have Joe Biden appearing to bow to Islam, promising to teach more about it in our schools, even pandering with an Arabic phrase in debate comments.

We have Joe Biden serving as a China apologist. “C’mon man,” he says, denying that China is even an adversary.

And, Joe Biden, despite being Catholic, is radically pro Abortion. And he calls Christians who support traditional Biblical principles that he views as intolerant, the “dregs of society.” The media has “fact checked” this to death to cover for him. But be clear. If you believe in traditional marriage as being between one man and one woman, you are in his “intolerant” category (even though that was Biden’s position in 2006).

There are many other things we could share, but the most “in your face” issue is Biden’s family corruption. This story gets worse hour by hour. It is obvious to anyone that Hunter Biden was selling family (and White House) access to sketchy groups in Ukraine, China, and Russia. The story seems corroborated by an abandoned laptop and also a former business partner. While Joe Biden denies knowing anything about Hunter’s business dealings, he did take him on Air Force Two to China where he got a $1.5 billion investment for private equity.  The emails appear to indicate that these deals would not have happened without the prospect of VP Biden’s support. That does seem to be a reasonable notion given the fact that Hunter Biden was forced out of the Navy for drug abuse and had ongoing “challenges” in this area according to police reports. It’s hard to imagine that the wife of Moscow’s mayor would pay him $3.5 million outside of his connection to his father.

Joe Biden has promised that his children would not do business with foreign interests if he were elected President. Presumably, that is admitting the serious conflict of interest that could represent. If that’s true, then why was it OK when he was Vice President? Fair question! While the Biden team would like to deflect or ignore this story, the well-documented facts already in evidence are damning to say the least.

The bottom line is that a Biden Administration promises the same type of corruption as we saw with the Clinton Foundation, where foreign governments donated huge amounts of money and massively overpaid family members for “speeches.” We have multiple scandals as a result such as Uranium One and Skolkovo.

We know that Biden is a totalitarian when it comes to enforcing dubious public health mandates. He has mentioned mandatory national lockdowns (something even the World Health Organization now says are a bad idea and leading scientists agree) and also a national mask mandate. In a public health crisis, he feels it acceptable to suspend the Constitution. Don’t forget that racism has been called a public health crisis. What unconstitutional things would Biden do to address it? Likewise, climate change is called a public health crisis, another reason to tear up the Constitution?

Then, of course, there is the plan to defeat conservative America once and for all with tricks like creating new states out of Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia to guarantee that Democrats control the Senate forever. Open borders with amnesty and quick citizenship would guarantee a permanent popular vote majority and control of the House of Representatives. Estimates suggest that the Biden-Harris plan would add 52 million new immigrants.  Eliminating the Electoral College would guarantee permanent control of the White House.

And, we also know that Joe Biden has pledged to “end shareholder capitalism.” He wants investors to benefit everyone with their investments rather than earn profits. No matter how you slice it, that’s socialism. And it is aimed at American investors.

Finally, we now know that Biden is remarkably comfortable with social media censorship when it benefits him. This was made plain when the Biden team pointed to the Twitter and Facebook banning of any news on the subject (including banning the account the White House Press Secretary) related to the emerging Hunter Biden scandal. This has ominous implications.

When you add it all up, no wonder Bernie Sanders says Biden would be the most “progressive” President in history.


Perhaps the most concerning thing of the past couple of weeks has been the Nancy Pelosi plan to create a 25th Amendment Commission. The Speaker (who tore up the State of the Union speech) admits this is not for President Trump (even though she questioned his capacity). She says it is for the future. Of course, she knows that Biden would be the oldest elected President in history. She is well aware of the questions regarding his mental clarity. And, she understands that Kamala Harris was handpicked to be ready to step in one Day One according to Biden himself. In fact, Both Joe and Kamala have already slipped, calling it a “Harris/Biden” administration.

This is the progressives “insurance policy.” If Biden doesn’t move fast enough for the complete takedown of our government, they will move him out and put her in. And anyone paying attention knows it.

These progressives are radical anarchists. Remember Keith Ellison (once Deputy Chair of the DNC)?   He smiles at Antifa as shown in this tweet.

How about the radical media that has pretended all the protests were peaceful (and not riots)? They want to see something akin to the French Revolution. Perhaps that’s why they keep bringing up guillotines. They are serious. How about this from Keith Olberman? Watch his video rant and demand that conservatives be arrested and removed from society.

The bottom line is that this is a complete radical plan to wipe the America we know and love from the face of the earth. The radicals hope to suspend the Constitution as needed, eliminate the First and Second Amendments, confiscate property, and take total and near permanent control of all aspects of our society. The radical left already controls most of the media, big tech, the Deep State bureaucracy, public education, and chunks of Wall Street. They intend to leverage that power in a color revolution combined with what they hope will be one last election victory to take total control. They are working in common cause with the Chinese Communist Party (which has been supporting the social unrest), global Marxists, George Soros’ Open Society elements, and radical Islamists. They all want to see a radical remaking of what we know is the greatest nation on earth.

Keep in mind that (as we explained in Part One), even if the progressives lose the election, they intend to use violence to take control. In addition, it is clear that radical progressives are perfectly willing to lie, cheat, and steal with election fraud.”


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

New World Order

 (This an excerpt from an article written by Leo Holman entitled: 8 tenets of the New World Order revealed.)

1. The NWO is anti-Christ

It is not necessarily anti-God but it is anti-Christ. Godless leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, even Kamala Harris, won’t hesitate to throw in references to “God” and “faith” when speaking for public consumption. But if anyone speaks specifically of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whose teachings were fundamental to our heritage as a free people, they are automatically disqualified from participation in this newly ordered society being prepared by the globalists. That’s why they must crush the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, a devout Catholic and pro-life mother of seven, from being confirmed to the Supreme Court.

2. The NWO is anti-family

It was no coincidence that Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization, included on its website [until it was recently scrubbed], that it seeks the destruction of the Western Christian notion of the nuclear family. The idea that God reserves marriage for a man and a woman, and that they alone should have ultimate say over how their children are raised, is antithetical to the newly ordered, humanistic society that makes up the New World Order. In this society, “it takes a village” to raise a child, and that village encourages pre-pubescent children to deny their biological gender, defends the abusive practice of injecting them with chemicals to stop the natural formation of their bodies, and uses surgery to reverse the natural course that has already taken place. This is demonic to its core because it denies that people are created, as President Trump says, “in the holy image of God.”

3. The NWO works against nations and national sovereignty

Nations are described throughout the Bible as ordained by God, so of course the humanistic, materialistic, New World Order must declare war on nations and do everything in its power to water them down, attack their legitimacy, their history, their unique individual culture and traditions. Why? Because in Western society, those cultural norms were defined by Judeo-Christian values, traditions and norms. This explains the left’s war on borders, especially borders that protect the national integrity of Western nations, whose jobs must be outsourced and its wealth plundered and forcibly redistributed to the Third World. It also explains the left’s resistance to any effort to make English the national language. A common language is an essential ingredient of any successful nation. Remember, the globalist left has declared a war on nationhood because, whether they acknowledge it or not, they buy into an ideology that is Luciferian. Jesus Christ has a plan, revealed in the Bible, to redeem not only individuals but nations. Anything biblical is opposed by Satan.

4. The NWO devalues life and believes the earth is over-populated with useless eaters

Bill Gates, Ted Turner, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Tom Steyer, Mark Zuckerberg, the Clintons, Obamas, the wives of both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and all the other power elites advocate abortion on demand. The world is overpopulated, they say. Humans breathing air, driving cars and eating meat causes climate change and destroys Mother Earth. Anyone who defies this pagan agenda of favoring death over life, sterilization over reproduction, cannot be a member in good standing of the newly ordered society that is being pre-planned for every human being. They must be identified, rooted out and barred from any position of influence in government, major corporations, the media or academia. That’s why the left goes absolutely insane with rage when Trump makes a nomination to the Supreme Court of someone who respects life, like Judge Barrett.

5. The NWO advocates “free trade” over fair trade

No good global citizen can ever support fair trade, which requires something of value in exchange for something of equal value. Another reason for the priests and priestesses of the NWO to hate Trump, because he fights for fairness in America’s trade with other countries, particularly communist China. It was no accident that Kamala Harris attacked Vice President Pence in last week’s debate for “starting a trade war with China.” This is an integral part of the takedown of America, because in order to dethrone America you must not only attack its Christian roots, you must attack its ability to provide prosperity to hardworking middle-class families who remain largely independent of the government. You must tax and regulate them into the poor house, then offer them bare-bones government benefits robs them of their dignity.

6. In the NWO the ends justify the means

Nothing is ever off the table for globalist progressives lusting for power. There is no lie they won’t tell. There is nothing too ruthless, too dirty, too corrupt if it will further their goal of one-party rule. They are the definers of what is moral and they are the examples of the morally righteous. They don’t flinch at staging news events. Whether it’s the faked beating of Jussie Smollett at the hands of “three men in MAGA hats,” the media’s attempt to crucify 17-year-old Nick Sandman and accuse him of trying to intimidate a group of native Americans when in fact he was the one being intimidated, or the fake “hangman’s noose” found in Bubba Wallace’s NASCAR garage, everything is fair game. They will make up the rules as they go, and they will change the language to suit their interests – abortion becomes “healthcare” or “reproductive rights” while illegal aliens become “undocumented persons” and global warming becomes “climate change.” Violence, anarchy and defunding police are encouraged as a political weapon, until they win power at which time they will form a police state to crack down with a brutality never before witnessed on American soil.

7. In the NWO, free speech is a relative concept. Ever wonder why progressives almost never get censored or banned from social media yet it’s a constant problem for conservatives? Until Trump, there was never a president or former president whose speech was censored by Twitter. That’s because these platforms are all run by globalists who have zero respect for the First Amendment. Give them power and it will only get worse.

8. In the NWO, firearms are not for average people. Only the police [state] are allowed to bear arms, unless you are part of the ruling elite, in which case you are entitled to a heavily armed private security detail.

There are many other facets to the creed of the NWO, but the above list forms the basis of their agenda and cannot be violated under penalty of being declared a Republican, a Trump supporter, a fascist, a non-person unworthy of the constitutional rights enjoyed by other, more liberal members of American society. They disdain you, Mr. and Mrs. Conservative.“

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me… Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:1, 27).

Most of us would agree that this world has gone mad, but we in the USA should consider that many other countries have been experiencing madness as a way of life. What magnifies the insanity here in America is that it is new to us. We have been the land of the free and the home of the brave for many, many years. Love of country has been our badge of honor. Respect for authority (police agencies, for example) has been taught to us by our parents. Respect for others was once ingrained in our psyche. Sexual morality and character-building once existed in our society, as did honesty and justice. Then it all started going south around 1963.

It’s nearly impossible for the younger generation, but for those in their twilight years, the contrast is shocking. The world I remember and the world I see now are as different as two sides of a coin. It’s the same coin, but that’s about it.

The country I love, the one of my birth, is beginning to pay for its rejection of the God of the Bible, and it’s just going to keep getting worse. In my opinion, there is no longer any hope for us as a nation. We have crossed the line, and the wrath of God is coming soon.

However, there is hope, a sure hope, for every believer in Jesus Christ. He told us in the introductory Scriptures above to believe in Him. He said He will give us peace, not the phony peace the world gives, but real peace that works. He told us not to be troubled or afraid. Even though the world is falling apart around our ears, God is faithful to His Word and will not disappoint.

Many Christians are afraid, or at best concerned, but as you trusted Him to save you, also trust Him to be with you in times of trouble. We can rest assured that God is in control. What we are seeing today surprises many of us, but God is not surprised. The world is doing exactly what He told us it would do as the days draw closer to His return. Notice the following words of God and take heart.

“Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure: ‘Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.’

“I will declare the decree: The LORD has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’

“Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him” (Psalms 2).

This passage of Scripture is just as relevant to us today as it was to Israel during the days of King David. By the way, did you notice the last sentence, “Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him?” With that said, let’s take a look at a few Scripture passages in the book of Jeremiah.

Those Who Trust in The Lord

“But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit” (Jeremiah 17:7-8).

Our hope is not in the President of the United States (although I pray the Lord allows him to serve one more term). Our hope is not in Congress; neither is it in a political party. Our hope is in the God of gods, the Lord of lords and the King of kings.

God knows what He is doing. We just need to trust Him. He is divinely orchestrating this fallen world to its own fate. We look around us and see man fighting against man, but the real battle is spiritual. The apostle Paul said:

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

Does it seem the battle is intensifying? Well, it is because Satan is quickly approaching his last days, and he knows it. I have no idea when the Tribulation will start, but one thing is sure, all the road signs are pointing in that direction. And remember, Jesus removes His bride before His day of wrath (Tribulation) begins.

Understanding these verses and accepting them will help us be just like the trees God speaks about in these verses of Jeremiah 17:8. By the way, He says the same thing in Psalms 1:3.

Those Who Trust in Man

“This is what the LORD says: ‘Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, in an uninhabited salty land'” (Jeremiah 17:5-6).

Those who trust in the Lord do not put their trust in man, but to the contrary, those who do not trust God will depend on man to pull us out of this mess we have created for ourselves.

These dear folks will depend on presidential leaders and Congress to save our bacon. They will believe that politicians and the media are being truthful to us. In other words, they are naïve, to say the least.

The sad thing is the Democrat party is doing everything in their devious might to destroy this country. The same can be said of some Republicans. Will God continue to work through President Trump and Vice President Pence? I pray He does, simply because it tells me anyway that God is delaying His game plan a short while longer so more can be saved.

The point is that those who trust man over God are going to be mightily disappointed. If President Trump does not get a second term, the Democrats will finish what they started with Obama and destroy everything this country has stood for over the last 200 plus years. If President Trump is allowed by God another four-year term, the anti-nationalist Democrats (and some Republicans) will attempt to derail President Trump at every turn, just as they have been doing the last four years.

The Democrats (and some Republicans), the liberal media and others of influence want more than anything to have a one-world government. Guess what? Eventually, that is exactly what they will get. It will be headed by the Antichrist during a time called the Tribulation, all because they trust in man instead of God.

Those Who Trust in The Heart

“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve” (Jeremiah 17:9-10).

Our county does not have a political problem, or a morality problem, or a justice problem, or a ________ (fill in the blank) problem. Our country has a heart problem that is filled with sin. All these other things are just what flows out from a deceitful and wicked heart.

Only a wicked heart would murder innocent, defenseless little babies. Only a wicked heart would loot, burn, destroy, steal and murder to get their way. Only a wicked heart would be the number one propagator of porn, illicit drugs, sex slave trade and all that is evil in God’s eyes.

Only a deceitful, wicked heart would look us in the eye and purposely lie to us for their own gain while they smile at our gullibility.

Not so … those who trust in the Lord. Satan is having a field day for now, but we know who gets tossed into the lake of fire when the dust settles. No wonder he is fighting so hard. But we have nothing to fear and everything to rejoice about. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will rule with a rod of iron in the end. I close with these verses:

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely…

“He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly…” (Revelation 22:12-17, 20a)

By Grant Phillips (Source: