'Falsified' Authors Tackle 'Epidemic' of False Conversions in US Churches


 In their new book, Falsified: The Danger of False Conversion, authors Vincent and Lori Williams seek to use Scripture to identify what they define as an "epidemic" of false conversions currently sweeping evangelical churches in the U.S. The couple speak from personal experience, as they too were once false converts. 
The Williams define a "false conversion" as one in which the converted feels that they are saved, but in reality are not because they are not living by the correct teachings of Scripture. The couple confess in their book that they were at one time "false converts led into a false sense of security by seeker-sensitive churches preaching a watered-down Gospel."

Read Entire Article Herehttp://global.christianpost.com/news/falsified-authors-tackle-epidemic-of-false-conversions-in-us-churches-71523/


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