New World Order

 (This an excerpt from an article written by Leo Holman entitled: 8 tenets of the New World Order revealed.)

1. The NWO is anti-Christ

It is not necessarily anti-God but it is anti-Christ. Godless leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, even Kamala Harris, won’t hesitate to throw in references to “God” and “faith” when speaking for public consumption. But if anyone speaks specifically of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whose teachings were fundamental to our heritage as a free people, they are automatically disqualified from participation in this newly ordered society being prepared by the globalists. That’s why they must crush the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, a devout Catholic and pro-life mother of seven, from being confirmed to the Supreme Court.

2. The NWO is anti-family

It was no coincidence that Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization, included on its website [until it was recently scrubbed], that it seeks the destruction of the Western Christian notion of the nuclear family. The idea that God reserves marriage for a man and a woman, and that they alone should have ultimate say over how their children are raised, is antithetical to the newly ordered, humanistic society that makes up the New World Order. In this society, “it takes a village” to raise a child, and that village encourages pre-pubescent children to deny their biological gender, defends the abusive practice of injecting them with chemicals to stop the natural formation of their bodies, and uses surgery to reverse the natural course that has already taken place. This is demonic to its core because it denies that people are created, as President Trump says, “in the holy image of God.”

3. The NWO works against nations and national sovereignty

Nations are described throughout the Bible as ordained by God, so of course the humanistic, materialistic, New World Order must declare war on nations and do everything in its power to water them down, attack their legitimacy, their history, their unique individual culture and traditions. Why? Because in Western society, those cultural norms were defined by Judeo-Christian values, traditions and norms. This explains the left’s war on borders, especially borders that protect the national integrity of Western nations, whose jobs must be outsourced and its wealth plundered and forcibly redistributed to the Third World. It also explains the left’s resistance to any effort to make English the national language. A common language is an essential ingredient of any successful nation. Remember, the globalist left has declared a war on nationhood because, whether they acknowledge it or not, they buy into an ideology that is Luciferian. Jesus Christ has a plan, revealed in the Bible, to redeem not only individuals but nations. Anything biblical is opposed by Satan.

4. The NWO devalues life and believes the earth is over-populated with useless eaters

Bill Gates, Ted Turner, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Tom Steyer, Mark Zuckerberg, the Clintons, Obamas, the wives of both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and all the other power elites advocate abortion on demand. The world is overpopulated, they say. Humans breathing air, driving cars and eating meat causes climate change and destroys Mother Earth. Anyone who defies this pagan agenda of favoring death over life, sterilization over reproduction, cannot be a member in good standing of the newly ordered society that is being pre-planned for every human being. They must be identified, rooted out and barred from any position of influence in government, major corporations, the media or academia. That’s why the left goes absolutely insane with rage when Trump makes a nomination to the Supreme Court of someone who respects life, like Judge Barrett.

5. The NWO advocates “free trade” over fair trade

No good global citizen can ever support fair trade, which requires something of value in exchange for something of equal value. Another reason for the priests and priestesses of the NWO to hate Trump, because he fights for fairness in America’s trade with other countries, particularly communist China. It was no accident that Kamala Harris attacked Vice President Pence in last week’s debate for “starting a trade war with China.” This is an integral part of the takedown of America, because in order to dethrone America you must not only attack its Christian roots, you must attack its ability to provide prosperity to hardworking middle-class families who remain largely independent of the government. You must tax and regulate them into the poor house, then offer them bare-bones government benefits robs them of their dignity.

6. In the NWO the ends justify the means

Nothing is ever off the table for globalist progressives lusting for power. There is no lie they won’t tell. There is nothing too ruthless, too dirty, too corrupt if it will further their goal of one-party rule. They are the definers of what is moral and they are the examples of the morally righteous. They don’t flinch at staging news events. Whether it’s the faked beating of Jussie Smollett at the hands of “three men in MAGA hats,” the media’s attempt to crucify 17-year-old Nick Sandman and accuse him of trying to intimidate a group of native Americans when in fact he was the one being intimidated, or the fake “hangman’s noose” found in Bubba Wallace’s NASCAR garage, everything is fair game. They will make up the rules as they go, and they will change the language to suit their interests – abortion becomes “healthcare” or “reproductive rights” while illegal aliens become “undocumented persons” and global warming becomes “climate change.” Violence, anarchy and defunding police are encouraged as a political weapon, until they win power at which time they will form a police state to crack down with a brutality never before witnessed on American soil.

7. In the NWO, free speech is a relative concept. Ever wonder why progressives almost never get censored or banned from social media yet it’s a constant problem for conservatives? Until Trump, there was never a president or former president whose speech was censored by Twitter. That’s because these platforms are all run by globalists who have zero respect for the First Amendment. Give them power and it will only get worse.

8. In the NWO, firearms are not for average people. Only the police [state] are allowed to bear arms, unless you are part of the ruling elite, in which case you are entitled to a heavily armed private security detail.

There are many other facets to the creed of the NWO, but the above list forms the basis of their agenda and cannot be violated under penalty of being declared a Republican, a Trump supporter, a fascist, a non-person unworthy of the constitutional rights enjoyed by other, more liberal members of American society. They disdain you, Mr. and Mrs. Conservative.“


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