Covid, Media, and Brainwashing Cult

 (The excerpt was taken from an article written by Leo Hohmann entitled: Reject the Cult of Groupthink, or Become Its Slave;)

If you want to know if you have been brainwashed by this cult, I have developed a quick test for you to self-diagnose.

True or false?

  • More than 214,000 American deaths can be directly attributed to COVID-19.
  • 15 Days to Slow the Spread was an emergency plan put into place to “flatten the curve” and save hospitals from being overwhelmed by COVID patients.
  • Wearing masks protects you and others from COVID. Going maskless is not only rude but could “literally” lead to the murder of your fellow Americans.
  • We must be wary of “asymptomatic super spreaders” who look normal and healthy but could be infected with a virus that’s untreatable and extremely deadly.
  • Everyone who tests positive for COVID has COVID and the number of positive tests is equal to the number of active “cases” being reported daily in the media.

If you answered “true” to one or more of the above five questions, then you have been infected by the groupthink virus. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. The vast majority of your fellow Americans were sucked into the same vortex of irrational panic.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the five questions in our test.

  • The number of COVID deaths has been vastly inflated by the CDC, which issued guidelines for hospitals that gave doctors wide latitude to declare COVID as the cause of death in people who died this year. If a person died with symptoms that appeared to be COVID, the doctors were encouraged to “presume” that the death was indeed caused by COVID. The CDC later estimated that only 6 percent of the total deaths attributed to COVID were caused by COVID alone.
  • 15 days to slow the spread had nothing to do with hospitals or “flattening the curve.” No hospital, with the possible exception of one in New York City, has ever been overwhelmed by COVID. Tent hospitals were set up nationwide in anticipation of a barrage of sick people. Virtually all went unused, yet 15 days to slow the spread was extended, extended and extended as governors overnight took on dictatorial powers through state emergency powers laws. Nine months later, with hospitals still running well below capacity, the restrictions on family gatherings, church services and certain “non-essential” businesses continues in many states.
  • As for mask wearing, a CDC report released in September shows that face coverings are not effectivein preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.
  • It’s virtually impossible for a healthy asymptomatic carrier to spread coronavirus because the viral load is insufficient to infect someone else, which in the vast majority of cases is done by coughing and sneezing.
  • Testing positive for COVID does not necessarily mean that you have COVID. The PCR Test, we now know, can cause almost anyone to test positive depending on the sensitivity level of the pre-sets. This is because the common cold is also a coronavirus and all humans who have ever had a cold have remnants of past coronaviruses still in their system. So the test can detect those inactive remnants and may throw up a false “positive.” That hasn’t stopped the media onslaught. After the number of deaths from COVID started dropping, they simply switched their messaging from deaths to “cases.” They report daily on “hotspots” and “causes for concern” when in fact they are basing these reports merely on the number of positive tests, not the number of actual cases of sick people. Ask yourself, when have you ever seen the media report daily case numbers for any other virus?


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