The Anatomy of the Church

" He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. (Col. 1:18)
(Skeletal) The Body's Form
- High view of God
- Authority of Scripture
- Sound doctrine
- Personal Holiness
- Spiritual Authority (Leaders)
- Obedience
- Humility
- Love
- Unity
- Willingness to Serve
- Joy
- Peace
- Thankfulness
- Self-Discipline
- Accountability
- Forgiveness
- Dependence
- Flexibility
- Desire for Growth
- Faithfulness
- Hope
- Preaching and Teaching
- Evangelism and Missions
- Worship
- Prayer
- Discipleship
- Shepherding
- Building up Families
- Training
- Giving
- Fellowship
- He is the Savior
- He is the Great Shepherd
- He is the Sovereign
- He is the Sanctifier
(Notes taken from: The Master's Plan for the Church)
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