Re-Think or Repent?
One Pastor's Response To The Willow Creek Confession
By Wayne J. Edwards
little over twenty years ago, the "seeker sensitive" movement was
introduced to the American Church through what appeared to be a very
successful "church growth" strategy used by the Willow Creek Church, in
Chicago, Illinois. The leader of that philosophy of ministry was Bill
Hybels, who, through his annual "church growth" seminars, books, tapes,
and other forms of media, encouraged pastors to abandon everything they
had been taught about how to "do" church and to accept this new
paradigm. Pastors were told, if they wanted to attract unbelievers to
their church, they must soften their preaching on sin, relax their
convictions about the blood of Jesus Christ and change their music so
that it sounds like the music of the world. They were advised to use
only paraphrased versions of the Bible, and to keep their "messages"
short, because today's generation would not endure a lengthy lecture.
Instead, they were to spend the majority of their sermon time on
personal application and personal illustrations as opposed to biblical
many churches, and even many denominations tried to copy those methods
in order to take advantage of, or perhaps profit from, what appeared to
be a great harvest of souls and a great revival of the church. Whatever
attracted more lost people to the church had to be right, because it was
"working"! It appeared that God was blessing the method or that God had
anointed the man who was using the methods. So, the purpose of Sunday
School was changed from being the basic Bible teaching and evangelistic
arm of the church to a topical study of the "felt-needs" of the
Christian life. Sunday Worship was shifted from being focused upon God
and how His people could honor Him and glorify His Name, to the needs of
lost people, and how the church could "reach out" to them. Personal
Discipleship was all but abandoned as being too rigid and requiring too
much commitment for today's post-modern minds and schedules.
the report card is in, and the "church growth" experts were wrong. The
results of a multi-year study on the effectiveness of their programs and
ministries have just been released in a book entitled Reveal: Where Are You?
co-authored by Cally Parkinson and Greg Hawkins, executive Pastor of
Willow Creek Community Church. Even Hybels called the results "earth shaking", "mind-blowing",
and well he should, because the report revealed that most of what they
have been doing, and have led millions of others to do for these last
twenty years, has failed to produce devoted disciples for Christ those
able to become reproducing reproducers.
Hybels said:
"We made a mistake. What we should have done when people crossed the line of faith
and become Christians, we should have started telling people and teaching people that
they have to take responsibility to become "self feeders"! We should have
taught people
how to ready their bible between services, how to do the spiritual practices much more
on their own. Some of the stuff that we have put millions of dollars
wasn't helping people that much. Other things that we didn't put
that much money into and didn't put much staff against is stuff our people are crying out for!"(Emphasis mine)
me, but this was, and is more than a "mistake" that can be corrected by
the publishing of another book, or as Greg Hawkins suggests: "take out a clean sheet of paper and
rethink all of our old assumptions (and)
replace them with new insights!" Bill
Hybels is one of three men who must assume some degree of moral, if not
scriptural responsibility for the anemic condition of the American
church today. The models of church ministry fostered by Bill Hybels,
Rick Warren and John Maxwell have, in my opinion, done more harm to the
true effectiveness of the church than we will be able to overcome in our
lifetime, apart from a genuine revival.
Ephesians 3:1-21, the Apostle Paul made it clear that the purpose of
the church is not to bring glory to a man, nor to the works of man, but
to the One who began the church by shedding His own precious blood, and
the One who holds the church together today by His love, even Jesus
Christ, our Lord. Because of that, the honor of the Lord Jesus Christ is
in the hands of the church today. And because of that, what is done in
and through the church will either bring glory to the Lord or glory to
man. If it is done in the power of the flesh, no matter how well
intended, it will fall short of the glory of God, and that is the
definition of sin not a mistake!
this "mistake" cannot be corrected in the lives of those children,
youth and adults who have been "mislead" by this doctrinal error. For
every gain that was made by some manipulative method to reach the lost,
there was a loss of doctrinal and theological truth, as basic
convictions were compromised by the very methods themselves. For every
gain in converts by the schemes of men there was a lack of spiritual
understanding on the part of the new believer, and that lack of
discipleship resulted in a lack of spiritual growth, and therefore the
loss of true, biblical worship. What was gained by the numbers in
attendance and in converts in all of these extremes was negated by the
loss of biblical certainty and theological integrity. But more
importantly, the glory that rightfully belonged to Jesus Christ alone
was diverted to man.
Jesus Christ corrected the church at Ephesus, He did not tell them to
"re-think" what they were doing, or to try to develop some new strategy
or philosophy of ministry. He told them to repent of their sins, and to return
to doing those things they were doing at first to return to their
first love for the Lord Jesus Christ. When the church returns to it's
only mission, which is to lift up the Name of Jesus Christ as our Savior
and Lord, in the power of the Holy Spirit, not only will this "method"
draw lost men to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior, and surrender
unto Him as their Lord, but it will glorify God throughout all ages
world without end.
am very pleased that the Willow Creek Association has discovered its
faults, and has been willing to publicly admit them. But I also believe
it is time for every church to put away the methods of men, and to
return to the New Testament Model as outlined in Acts 2:41-47. The
people were in harmony with each other, in agreement over the purpose of
their fellowship, involved in the pursuit of truth through the teaching
of the Apostles doctrines, praising God in their times of worship at
the temple and in their homes, in prayer of thanksgiving for what God
was doing, in favor with believers and unbelievers alike. "And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved."
(Wayne J. Edwards is the founder of Mature Ministries, a revival ministry, encouraging God's people to raise the standard of righteousness in their personal lives and in their church. He is currently serving as Transitional Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Perry, Georgi
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