
Showing posts from May, 2013

Is the Pope Christian?

by Clint Archer   May 28, 2013 Last week Pope Francis ventured above his pay grade with a fallible gaff of historic proportions. In his Wednesday public homily, which usually includes unscripted comments, the Pope announced for the first time in Catholic history, that even atheists can go to heaven by doing good works. [2] Admittedly, this pontification wasn’t pronounced ex cathedra , meaning he wasn’t sitting in his “I’m infallible, so this is God’s truth even if it contradicts the Bible” seat, but still, one would expect the leader of a religion to preach a message congruent with the most elementary tenets of his own faith. I understand that in Catholic doctrine the Pope holds the keys to the kingdom and that whatever he binds on earth is bound in heaven. But contemplate the implications for a moment. On Wednesday (May 22, 2013), heaven suddenly got bound into admitting entry to atheists. Historically, not even Baptists got...

The Leading of the Holy Spirit (A.W. Pink)

Overview:           1). Divinely Drawn 2). Divine Direction 3.) A Caution   4.) Active Guidance 5). How to know we are being led by the Spirit   Divinely Drawn How the Holy Spirit leads us is a very important concept to understand.  We must first learn how it is that we are led by the Spirit of God, before we can begin to effectively follow the Spirit’s leading.  Being led by the Spirit is like a scholar is led by his tutor, as a traveler in his journey is led by his guide, as a soldier in war is led by his captain. But this is only the external analogies. What are the internal operations of the Spirit?  Let the Scriptures Speak Jeremiah 10:23- “ O Lord , I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” Ezekiel 36:27 - “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.” ...

Pope Declares Atheists who "Do Good" are Saved!

"Pope Francis rocked some religious and atheist minds today when he declared that everyone was redeemed through Jesus, including atheists. During his homily at Wednesday Mass in Rome, Francis emphasized the importance of "doing good" as a principle that unites all humanity, and a "culture of encounter" to support peace. Using scripture from the Gospel of Mark , Francis explained how upset Jesus' disciples were that someone outside their group was doing good, according to a report from Vatican Radio." Please Read Entire Article: My Take:     If this is not enough proof that Roman Catholicism is painting a "wide" and "broad" path to Heaven, I don't know what is. Jesus clearly says:  “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." (Matthew 7:13) ...

Biblical Roles of a Pastor

Overview :           1) Teaching/ Preaching; 2) Maturity/ Character; 3) True Shepherd; 4) Protector from Wolves (False Teachings) True Shepherd                 Shepherds/role of Shepherding is mentioned it over 200 times in the KJV.  The New Testament mentions shepherds 16 times. Some New Testament references used a shepherd and the sheep to illustrate Christ's relationship to His followers who referred to Him as “our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep” ( Hebrews 13:20 ). Jesus spoke of Himself as “the good shepherd” who knew His sheep and would lay down His life for them ( John 10:7-18 ). Jesus commissioned Peter to feed His sheep ( John 21:1 ). Paul likened the church and its leaders to a flock with shepherds ( Acts 20:28 ). The Latin word transliterated “pastor” means shepherd. (Source: Holman Bible Dictionary) What th...

Genius: the Movie

This new film by Ray Comfort is excellent! Adapted from his book entitled: The Beatles, God, and the Bible. To order the Dvd:

Celebrity Intelligence Test

      An excellent way to share the Gospel with others!!! Zoom in to read print if it's hard to see (Ctrl+) You can order these tracts and others at:

Priorities, Entertainment, and the Lordship of Christ

By John MacArthur Our media-driven culture has redefined the pursuit of happiness. The American Dream—which used to consist of a loving family, a nice house, a white picket fence—now includes instant fame, endless riches, easy romance, and the blank-check promise that anyone can achieve his or her dreams. Reality television and the rise of the Internet are perhaps somewhat to blame for this phenomenon. But ultimately the problem lies in the human heart. We were created to long for satisfaction, fulfillment, and joy, and those desires are good in and of themselves. But our fallen world tries to meet those desires through money, romance, fame, and other earthly pleasures. Yet temporal things can never bring lasting satisfaction to a heart that was created to find its ultimate joy in God. King Solomon learned that lesson the hard way. After experimenting with everything the world could offer, Solomon finally concluded it was all vanity, and that ...

The Truth About Hell

More than 150,000 people die every day. That’s 4.5 million each month, a number that exceeds population of Los Angeles. Add to that the number of dead throughout human history—it’s a staggering figure. Tragically, many of those people died without knowing Christ. What fate awaits them? Do they really the Rest In Peace , or do they find a different reality beyond the grave? Sadly, those who reject God and His way of salvation don’t find rest when they die. They enter into eternal hell where there’s no peace for the wicked. That’s a grim, terrible reality, and it’s what the Bible teaches. The real conflict over the biblical doctrine of hell is essentially an issue of authority. What the Bible affirms about hell forces you to believe or disbelieve, to accept or reject. It’s back to the same question that confronts everyone: Do you believe the Bible, or do you not? At the end of the day, the answer determines the fate of every person who ever lived. The Bible is the...

Using Truth to Confront Error

by William Gray INTRODUCTION It has become increasingly popular in many churches across the United States to call into question, or, actually disagree with the Word of God. It is reported commonly that many so-called Christian pastors are changing their views on many doctrinal positions to conform to the culture. It is reported that many of these Christian pastors, so-called, have taken a stance that “homosexual marriage” should be legal, or is legally permissible. Many of these same so-called pastors, whose job it is to “rightly divide the word of truth” and to correctly “shepherd the flock of God”, have stated such things (1) God did not create the heavens and the earth in six literal days; (2) There was no such literal persons as Adam and Eve; (3) There is no such thing as the garden of Eden; (4) There was no world-wide flood; (5) There is no such thing as heaven and hell, it’s just what you make of them in your mind; (6) Science has pr...