Why The Social Justice of Karl Marx, Neo-Evangelicalism & The Vatican is Not Biblical
By Brannon Howse Social justice promotes the redistribution of income in the name of "the common good." Among world influencers, it is important to note that "common good" is used by the Vatican and the pope over and over. That should not come as a surprise when we realize the term "social justice" was coined by a Catholic Jesuit. [1] Luigi Taparelli D'Azeglio, who lived from 1793 to 1862, was an Italian Catholic scholar of the Society of Jesus who coined the term social justice . [2] My friend and frequent Worldview Weekend radio guest Carl Teichrib, explains that many denominations now actively promote "social justice": In today's Christian world-and Western culture in general-there's a myriad of changes taking place, and with it comes new language. "Social Justice" is certainly in the spotlight. Jim Wallis of Sojourners uses this term repeatedly. Brain McLaren's book Everything Must Change ...