Why is it necessary to teach about Roman Catholicism? / Are Catholics Saved?
Matt Slick of www.carm.org explains why it is necessary to teach about Roman Catholicism since the Roman Catholic Church teaches many things which are not found in Scripture such as: the Mass, Penance, Veneration of Mary, Purgatory, Indulgences, the Priesthood, the Confessional, the Rosary, Venial and Mortal Sins, and statues in the Church.
No one can judge a Roman Catholic's heart, but God. However, if the Roman Catholic follows the official position of the Roman Catholic Church which teaches that justification is by works, then such a person can be lost. The Bible teaches that justification is by faith alone (Rom. 4:5; Eph. 2:8-9). (Justification means the believing sinner is given a new standing before God and the penalty for sin is removed. He is forgiven in God's eyes. He is forgiven not on the basis of his/her own good works, but that of faith alone in Christ's work on the cross.) HUGE Difference!!!
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