Christians are to be Salty!!!

 With the virus changing society rapidly like no one could have imagined, new debates and
conversations are arising within the Christian community. Topics such as tyranny, constitutional rights, our economy, moral & ethical decisions, how to remain Christlike, church lock downs, Bible prophecy, vaccines, government overreach, etc.

  The topic I wanted to address specifically here today is what part Christians have in making an impact upon individuals and a society at large regarding this virus. The popular motto has been, "To do good to our neighbor." We are closing the church doors, so we can retain a good reputation in our community and do good to our neighbor! I understand the biblical principle of valuing life and not being irresponsible regarding spreading a virus. But now that statics have come out and two months have gone by, people are beginning to see this virus for what it truly is. A flu virus. Not a pandemic plague taking millions of people!

  IF, you do your own research and glean from other media sources, podcasts, articles, Youtube videos that are not in the mainstream, and study Bible prophecy, you will see this virus is not what many believe it to be! Simply put, people have an agenda to push behind this virus. An agenda to change society to fit the globalist vision of control and power!

 Introduce the problem, watch the reaction, create the solution!! Now why on earth would the powers that be want to take advantage of a flu virus that spreads quickly? Why force social distancing and wearing masks? Answer: Their solution: forced vaccines!

 Real doctors who are not afraid to speak up for truth, have demonstrated that quarantining the healthy and forcing them to wear masks actually suppresses their immune system.  For solid evidence watch this:

 Now back to my original point, what role do Christians have in influencing people unto righteousness during this time? Many would agree that we are to rest in the Lord and evangelize. I agree,  that now is the time to share Christ with people! People seem more open as their world produces fear, anxiety, and uncertainty!

 But I believe Christians can be salt and light unto the world by exposing unrighteousness! Does that mean we disobey government and form a militia? Not necessarily. The way we remain "salty" is by standing on our biblical AND constitutional principles! There is way too much compartmentalizing going on! We are to have a biblical worldview in all areas of life! We are to fight for righteousness and expose tyranny! We are to inform the individuals of agendas that are satanic in nature and do not have people's health in mind. (Although that is what these power hungry globalists would lead you to believe!!)

  We inform people and be a watchman on the wall, and do all this in a Christlike manner, speaking the truth in love! We don't have to be weak, cowardly sheep who blindly follow the crowd. We can question the news being presented. We can do our own research and be thinkers! We can use our research and God's Word to alarm people and warn them! We can tell society what Bible prophecy says. The stage is being set for all prophecy to be fulfilled! How is that not evangelizing and calling people towards Christ?

 We take this evil world system and the fallen nature of man, expose the agendas that are Satanic, and then give the real solution: Jesus Christ!! Not only that, by while we are occupying until the Lord comes, in America we can vote and stand on constitutional rights! We can alarm people of tyranny and abuse of power! There is nothing un-Christian about this!

 If we were to go back in time and observe how Jesus handled false teachers and people leading others astray, many Christians today would probably call Jesus "harsh"and unloving. He firmly called out evil and unrighteousness. He was blunt and even called the Pharisees "a brood of vipers." "Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." Matthew 5:13

"When salt and light try to accommodate to and/or be conformed by the Kingdom of this World, they lose their distinctiveness and their potential to impact the decay and the darkness of the this world which is passing away. Salt is needed because the world is rotting and decaying and if our Christianity is also rotting and decaying, it won't be any good. Light is needed because the world is in darkness, and if our Christianity imitates the darkness, we have nothing to show the world. To be effective we must seek and display the Christian distinctive. We can never affect the world for Jesus by becoming like the world." (Source:

I would say as Christians, we can evangelize and share Christ by exposing the decay all around us! The lies of the media and transformation of a country where our basic principles (which are righteous) are being taken away! There has never been a country like this in the history of the world! We need to attack the threat before it's too late! Rather than waiting for the problem to come to us and choose to react, we need to see the problem from a distance and react! God has given us the mind of Christ! He give his children wisdom and discernment in these last days!!

"Salt was one of the earliest of all preservatives and was a valued commodity in the ancient world. Without any source of refrigeration, salt became the means of preserving meat from decaying, as the ancients rubbed down meat and fish to preserve it for regular use. Seafarers just a century ago would salt down their fish and meat to preserve them for the long transatlantic journeys. Salt was so important as a corruption preventative in the ancient world that wars were fought over it, and entire economies were based on it. In short, salt could literally make the difference between life and death in a time when fresh food was unavailable."
"Salt was used as a figure of speech in the ancient world of sparkling conversation, speech dotted with witty or clever remarks. In Colossians 4:6 (note), salt indicates speech which gives a flavor to the discourse and recommends it to the pallet as well as speech which preserves from corruption and renders wholesome." (

I would argue that speech which gives flavor is "speaking the truth in love," and exposing lies! While we alarm and inform people of what we see all around us....we give the only hope and solution! Jesus Christ is the solution who can give us eternal life and peace in the midst of this current chaos and deception! We can have the mind of Christ and think logically and clearly in all this confusion and misinformation! "For “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ." (1 Corinthians 2:16)

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

In conclusion, Christians are to be salty!! Taking a stand for righteousness in all areas of society: Government, Economics, Science, Religion,etc. We should not limit ourselves to just remaining in our holy huddles and keeping silent! We need to speak out in love!! Christians will disagree over the extent of this virus and the solutions to it. But we need to remain open to the truth and do our own due diligence!  

"Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command." 1 Chronicles 12:32


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