Is God using Donald Trump?

I believe the Lord has placed every President in office within His sovereignty for His own purposes. Romans 13.  George Bush, Bill Clinton, Obama, and now Donald Trump.
Although Trump has a past of immorality, can be brash, and often times rubs people the wrong way.....God is using him for His purpose! Did God not use evil rulers and nations in the Old Testament to bring about His purposes? Does God not use fallen, imperfect men to fulfill His will? ( I do not believe Trump is a true Christian, yet! Pray for him)
What’s unique about Trump, I believe, is that he set out to “drain the swamp” in Washington. And what do we see? Career politicians forming a Lynch mob to attack and get rid of him! The main stream media funded by George Soros (a globalist) is relentlessly creating a narrative that Trump is bad and dumb! Unfounded accusations to impeach Him! Blaming him for the current crisis!
It’s because Trump is exposing agendas and policies that are not in America’s best interest that he is being attacked! He is not afraid to call people out, expose the darkness, and fight for the American people. He is not a career politician!
He supports Israel our ally in the Middle East, supports pro-life, national sovereignty, prayer, and religious freedom to all!
God has used America to create freedom to spread the gospel to the nations! To send missionaries, build churches, use prosperity to fund missions, etc.
The globalists/leftest want the opposite! They want to do away with borders, national sovereignty, America’s uniqueness, and create a global system (one world). They want global citizens.
Because Trump is trying to keep America’s uniqueness and power intact, the globalists, leftest, Democrats, elitists, will pull out whatever it takes to stop Him! Even if that means crashing our economy, allowing a virus to spread, smearing Trumps reputation, all at the expense of peoples lives in order to move their one world agenda forward!
And so I believe, just as God has a leash on Satan and only gives him enough slack to accomplish His will, God is using Trump to curb and fight against globalism and what would ultimately destroy America in the end!
Does God absolutely need Trump to accomplish his will? Can he not use others? Of course, but it’s Trumps uniqueness that allows him to be the perfect man in place for the times we are living in. To call Trump (Gods man) I believe is correct, just as Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton were in power for a season to bring about Gods will.
Former presidents in my opinion were more globalists than nationalist, and so Trump maybe that last president to stand for America!
Prophetically as the Bible predicts, there will be a global system In place. America doesn’t appear in Bible prophecy and so it seems like it will be absorbed into this one world system. However, for the time being..I believe God has placed Trump in power to extend America’s influence upon the world, give freedom to speak the truth, spread the gospel, equip missionaries, until that appointed time when prophecy should be fulfilled.
I know some of my fellow Christians would disagree with me about Trump. And that’s okay, our unity is in Christ alone. It’s okay to disagree! Display true tolerance! However, I felt led to share my opinion and my research.
God is long suffering not willing that any perish but all come to repentance! The time, is seems is short and the stage is being set for Christ’s return!


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