Contending for the Faith

We are living in that period of time when the Bible says there will be a growing apostasy. More and more people are falling away from the faith while fewer and fewer Christians are contending for it. Jesus confirmed the great apostasy of the end times when he asked a profound question. "When the Son of Man returns will he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8). From our Lord's rhetorical question we get an indication of how spiritually dark the world will become as the light of the Gospel diminishes.  

The greatest threat to the Christian faith may be the apathy among most believers to contend for the faith. There are very few courageous Christians who are willing to fight for the truth. As the battle for the souls of men intensifies, we can never let a lie of the devil go unabated. We must speak the truth in love! Jude's exhortation to contend for the faith is so applicable for the church today (Jude 3). Attacks on the faith are coming from all over. Every Christian needs to enlist in the Lord's army and fight the good fight of faith. Together we can contend against false teachers, ecumenism, compromised gospels from seeker friendly, purpose-driven and emerging churches, the New Apostolic Reformation, heretical books, mysticism, contemplative prayer, myths of people going to heaven and coming back, yoga, "psycho babel," and doctrines of demons. 

It is so easy for unregenerate people to do ungodly things against the Christian faith. However, Christians, who desire to do godly things, must be exhorted to contend for the faith. For this reason, I offer an important message for all of us to take a stand for truth!

By Mike Gendron (


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