Sensing the Urgency
“You have left your first love.” - Revelation 2:4 A wise person loves Christ supremely. I believe we need to have a sense of urgency in the evil days in which we live. I don’t know what’s going to happen to Christianity in America, but I’ve asked God that if it takes persecution to bring us to the place where we get a grip on what we ought to be, then let it happen. In many cases throughout history,the church has thrived better under persecution than it has under affluence. As the church father Tertullian once said, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.” I’m not specifically asking that the church be persecuted. I’m saying that sometimes we don’t sense the urgency of our evil day because we are sucked into the world’s system, and the lines of conviction aren’t clearly drawn. It’s an evil day in which we live, and the time is short. We need to realize that “evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse” (2 Tim. 3:13). The situation is not going to become better. The world is blacker and more expressive of its vices than ever before. We must have a sense of urgency and redeem the time. Suggestions for Prayer: In Psalm 145, King David expressed his love for the Lord. Make his psalm your prayer and an expression of your love to God. For Further Study: Read in Revelation 2—3 what the Lord says to the seven churches in Asia, noting what He approves and disapproves. Source: |
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