Beware of False Apostles and Prophets Being Promoted by Today's New Religious Right
By Brannon Howse
the secular media is noticing the emergence of a New Religious Right
and a group known as the New Apostolic Reformation. This is a group of
people that believe they are modern-day Prophets and Apostles. On July
21, 2011, Business Insider reported:
mainstream evangelical influence wanes, however, the New Apostolic
Reformation is gaining broader acceptance among conservative Christians.
The Response [Texas Governor Rick Perry's prayer rally], whose
endorsers also include more mainstream fundamentalists, is evidence of
the New Apostles' emerging influence - and of its leaders' growing
appetite for political power. Here's what you need to know about the
fastest-growing religious movement you've never heard of. Given that the
New Apostolic Reformation is growing so rapidly, even within mainstream
evangelicalism, it is critical to understand the biblical basis on
which I and others who recognize the problem take issue with the
movement. NAR members claim that Christians must yield to their
leadership because God has appointed them to be apostles and prophets to
lead the church in establishing the Kingdom of God here on earth.
you think this is simply a squabble between Pentecostals and
non-Pentecostals, please note that an August 6, 2001 report released by
the General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God (a Pentecostal
denomination) included the following statement:
is also clear that while the apostles (with the elders) were
established leaders in the Early Church, there was no provision for
their replacement or continuation…It is instructive, however, that
nowhere in the New Testament after the replacement of Judas is any
attention given to a so-called apostolic succession. No attempt was made
to replace James son of Zebedee (John's brother), executed by Herod
(Acts 12:2). Other than the original appointments by Christ himself,
there is nothing concerning the appointment of apostles. And apart from
the criteria set for the selection of Matthias (Acts 1:21-26) and the
criteria implied in the actions of Jesus and the account of Paul (1
Corinthians 15:3-11), there are no directions for making such an
appointment. By contrast, there are clear qualifications and
instructions for the appointment of elders/overseers and deacons (1
Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9). It seems strange that apostles of Jesus
Christ, concerned about faithful preservation of their message (cf. 2
Timothy 2:2), would provide for the appointment of overseers/elders
while ignoring their own succession if such were indeed to be
maintained…In fact, there are certain exegetical hints the apostles of
Jesus Christ are not to have successors.[1]
You will notice in Scripture that there are three kinds of apostles (In my book, Religious Trojan Horse,
I discuss apostles first, then prophets): 1. apostles of the 2. Lord
Jesus Christ, (there was only 12 of these) apostles of the Church,
(these are missionaries or sent ones) and 3. false apostles.
third classification of an apostle is that of false apostle which would
include network known as The New Apostolic Reformation. The Scriptures
tell us in 2 Corinthians 11:13 that "such are false apostles, deceitful
workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ."
Isn't it interesting that this passage says they transformed themselves
into Apostles of Christ? It doesn't say they transfer themselves into
the apostles of the Church. They don't transform themselves into being a
messenger or a sent one from the Church but Apostles of Christ-the
context showing that those who do such a thing are by definition false
apostles. This is indeed what the Scriptures say will happen in the
last days. Revelation 2:2 supports this understanding: "I know your
works, your labor, your patience and that you cannot bear those who are
evil and you have tested those who say that they are Apostles and are
not and I found them liars."
is Jesus Himself speaking to that church and commending it for pointing
out those who are false teachers or false apostles. So is it
appropriate that we, too, point out false teachers and false apostles?
The answer from this scripture is, "Absolutely!" Jesus commends the
church for calling out false apostles. To make sure we know how to
identify false apostles the Bible is clear about the distinctives of the
Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Distinctive #1: Apostles of Jesus Christ were appointed by God.
Galatians 1:1 Paul, an Apostle says he was appointed "Not of men,
neither by men, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him
from the dead." So under what authority is Paul an Apostle of the Lord
Jesus Christ? By the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and
God the Father. Luke 6:13 is also decisive about who qualifies: "And
when it was day He [Jesus] called unto him His disciples and of them He
chose 12, whom He also named Apostles."
an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ is called by God-God the Father or
Jesus, God incarnate. In 1 Corinthians 12:28 Paul elaborates: "And God
hath set [appointed] some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers…
apostles and prophets, 1 Corinthians 12:28 says, "thirdly, teachers."
We have teachers today that we also call shepherds, pastors, or elders.
There are people in the Church we would not classify as holding the office
of shepherd, pastor, or elder, but they do have the spiritual gift of
teaching. Such individuals can be found teaching Sunday school, writing
books, and speaking at Bible conferences (or at Worldview Weekends), or
hosting a radio program.
Distinctive #2: Apostles of Jesus Christ had to have seen the risen Lord.
The Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ at some point saw the risen Lord. Acts 1:22 articulates this requirement: "Beginning from the baptism of John unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of His resurrection."
The Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ at some point saw the risen Lord. Acts 1:22 articulates this requirement: "Beginning from the baptism of John unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of His resurrection."
So to be an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, you had to be appointed by God and
you had to have seen the risen Lord. That makes it a little hard for
people today who claim to be Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ to
qualify. They have not seen the risen Lord.
#3: Apostles of Jesus Christ were used by God for a limited time to
establish the doctrinal foundation of the Church.
laid the foundation, the correct doctrinal teachings of the Church.
And, of course, a foundation is laid only one time. Ephesians 2:19-20
expounds on this idea of foundation:
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.
foundation for the Church was built by the Apostles and the
Prophets-once. That means we do not need foundation builders today.
Distinctive #4: Apostles of Jesus Christ received Scripture from the Holy Spirit and proclaimed God's Word.
job of an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ was to receive the Word of
God as the Holy Spirit moved. The Bible they authored is God-breathed
and uniquely God-inspired. These men wrote the Scriptures as the Holy
Spirit led them. It was a unique job of an Apostle of Jesus Christ.
we receiving new revelations from God today that are equal to the
Bible? No! Jude 3 is clear that Scripture is "once for all" delivered to
the saints. Scripture also says that we don't add to or take away from
Scripture. Because the canon of the Bible is complete, we do not need
Apostles today when it comes to receiving the Word of God or revelations
from Him.
Distinctive #5: Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ had the gifts of signs and wonders.
Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ had the gifts of signs and wonders
for what purpose? To bring glory and honor to themselves? Was the
purpose to pack an arena using signs and wonders and to take up huge
offerings and sell books and handkerchiefs, as we see some false
apostles doing today? No and no.
true Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ were given power from God to do
signs and wonders in order to bring credibility to the message they
proclaimed. It was not to glorify their own flesh or their own egos. It
was simply to make the Gospel believable as they preached.
the charlatans who call themselves apostles and prophets are not
performing signs and wonders. In fact, Scripture tells us that these
false apostles will perform lying signs and wonders and will not preach a
biblical Gospel. For instance, 2 Corinthians 12:12 says, "Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and
mighty deeds." One of the signs of an Apostle was that he could do
incredible signs and wonders. And 2 Peter 2:2-3 warns of the danger from
those who say they do but don't: "Many will follow their unrestrained
ways, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. In their
greed they will exploit you with deceptive words…."
do we have people today who are apostles of the church that are in a
sense messengers sent by God? Yes. Are there people today who have
spiritual gifts of teaching or being a pastor, shepherd, or elder? Yes
again. But the office of Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ is closed as
is the office of Prophet.
The following is an excerpt from Brannon's new hardcover book Religious Trojan Horse, to order the hardcover book (488 pages) or to download the Ebook now from which this article originated click this link.
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