Be Prepared!

Make no mistake: there is an aggressive new atheism in America. The new unbelievers are eager to win people to their cause. Not content simply to disbelieve in God for themselves, they want to persuade other people not to believe in Him either.
Check it out:


  1. Fascinating link. It's a pity that it's nothing more than the same recycled babble and outright lies that atheists like myself have heard countless times. The piece of crap who wrote that article said that most atheists believe in god, but just deny it. Liar. Fraud. Can he prove that? I doubt it. And that verse from Romans is stupid beyond imagining. If all people somehow magically "knew" there was a god, then no one would ask where we came from, now would they? And the Christian cult would be far and away the largest religion on earth, with all others existing only marginally. And the whole premise that this liar based his article on is a sham.

    When Christians accuse atheists of being aggressive evangelists, they expose their own hypocrisy and stupidity. It is a universal fact that Christians have always held a disrespect and hatred for any religions and worldviews that don't corroborate their own beliefs--this is why they have murdered millions of pagans over the ages. Furthermore, atheists respect people's right to believe whatever they want to; Christians on the far right, however, have openly advocated turning this country into a theocracy, where all other religions are persecuted, restricted, and even exterminated by the whim of Christians(just like the Dark Ages). The fact is, non-Christians have infinitely more to fear from Christians than from atheists. Most of us are staunch supporters of freedom of religion, contrary to the filthy lies about us spread by lying Christians. With Christians, you can never be completely certain. And considering their track record with religious freedom, trusting them as a whole might be a mistake.

  2. B.R.
    It says on your info that you were a Christian for 2 years. What made you leave Christianity....and what made you become a Christian? ( Two questions )

  3. No it doesn't. It says I was a Christians up until *about* two years, ago, and at this point, I think it's closer to three because I haven't updated my profile.

    A combination of several things. The utter depravity of a all-knowing god who creates billions of sentient beings with the knowledge that his divine "plan" involves sending the vast majority(90% or more) to be burned and tortured alive for all eternity for not worshiping him(read; stroking his ego). Such a deity, if real, would make Hitler look like Gandhi. Then you have the absurdities in the OT, ancient fairy tales like Noah's Ark and Samson, which are not only without evidence, but are physically impossible. And then there's historical inconsistencies with the gospels, and many other things which eventually made it impossible for me to believe it.

  4. B.R.
    Some people have the "label" Christians and even grow up in Christian homes. I highly doubt that you were truly born-again by God's Spirit and saved if you fell away from the faith and are now in the state you are in currently.
    1 John 2:19 talks about that: "They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us."
    "that his divine "plan" involves sending the vast majority(90% or more) to be burned and tortured alive for all eternity." Wrong B.R! The Bible says in 1 peter 3:9: "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
    Ezekiel 33:11: "Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’" Lastly, what kind of evidence do you have that 90% are going to Hell?

  5. Believe whatever you want; it doesn't change the fact that I was a Christian for most of my life before recanting. Furthermore, the verse you copied means nothing; if I started a religion(read; "cult"), one of the first things I';d cover in my "holy book" would be apostates and non-believers. Verses like that are nothing more than a tool for conditioning people like yourself so that they will never take the words of ex-members seriously. And there is nothing original about your reaction; Christians are all the same, and they all dearly love their "No True Scotsman Fallacy".
    Does 2 Peter 3:9 mean that eternal damnation does not exist? I am aware that that it is not original; to Christianity, but I have not encountered any verses directly contradicting it in the NT. So, you don't believe in eternal hell?

  6. Yes...and here is something I posted on my blog in April on this:
    Also one in May:

  7. So first you say I'm wrong, and then prove I'm right? You're not good at debating, Ripp. BTW, that article you linked to doesn't address the fact that people don't deserve god's wrath. Why? Because god himself is fully responsible for sin. He deliberately set Adam and eve up to fail by not warning them about the serpent, or the consequences of sin. And instead of merely punishing Adam and Eve, he decided to curse billions of unborn people to burn in hell forever for sins they hadn't committed yet. Remember, since you believe in a all-knowing god, free will does not exist, and god's curse upon all mankind is just further evidence of that.

  8. B.R.
    "Because god himself is fully responsible for sin." Wow!!! "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment." (Matthew 12:36)
    "He deliberately set Adam and eve up to fail by not warning them about the serpent, or the consequences of sin."
    Jeeze...for being a former sure must not have studied the Bible:
    "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:16-17)
    There you go: A WARNING ( you shall not eat ) and CONSEQUENCE ( you shall surely die).

  9. Funny how you don't TRY to respond to my argument, you just paste some verse from the Wholly Babble insinuating that I spoke "idle words". So this tells me that even basic, elementary-school logic goes straight over your head. If god is all-knowing, then there is no free will, because god planned for Adam and Eve to fail so he could have the pleasure of watching billions of sentient puppets burn in hell forever.

    I have studied the bible much, and my knowledge of it is undoubtedly superior to yours. He didn't warn them about the serpent, Ripp; the serpent who said god was a liar. And did Adam and eve know any better? God had never gone over this contingency with them; god was the only other person they knew. How could they possibly know if he was telling the truth?

  10. B.R.
    "How could they possibly know if he was telling the truth?"
    It's funny how your reasoning sounds a lot like the deceiver (Satan)...."Hath God said"?? Satan is always trying to put doubt and lies into our minds. Go figure.

  11. "It's funny how your reasoning sounds a lot like the deceiver (Satan)...."

    Not even an attempt to respond to my argument. How pathetic and weak.

    "Satan is always trying to put doubt and lies into our minds. Go figure."

    Translation; you can't make a logical argument, so you're going to make the weak insinuation that Satan has tricked me. Congratulations; my seven year old nephew is smarter than you.

  12. B.R.
    I'm not going to respond your argument because it is completely untrue and way off base.
    Just because God knows all things..doesn't take away our ability to choose.
    Mankind is completely guilty of sin and breaking God's law and we all stand guilty as charged. You cannot shift the blame for this on God. He is Holy and righteous in all His dealings.
    I would examine yourself and realize that you too are guilty of sin and must give an account to your Creator someday.

  13. Once again, you don't even attempt to make an intelligent response, you just say I'm wrong. If my argument is way off base, the prove it. Why do you even bother with apologetics when it's obvious that all you care about is repeating outdated stereotypes and refuted arguments? Do you really think you're going to convert anyone on this blog? I don't think you do. You don't argue, you just repeat the same nonsense like a mantra.

  14. B.R.
    Again, it is not my responsibility to "convert" anyone, that is done by God alone. I'm his laborer who spreads the seeds.
    It just comes off to me...that your heart is like the seed that fell by the wayside. (Mark 8) Jesus used this parable to illustrate the receptivity of people's hearts to His Word. I believe you are like the ones who trample on it like he said in the parable. If you were once a would be familiar with this parable.

  15. Yeah, whatever. As I've said, Christians are very good at brainwashing their followers so that they will always have to assume that atheism, or the rejection of their faith by people of other religions, is a result of personal anger, bitterness, trauma, or demonic influence. It's sad that you want to cast aspersions on my character and intellectual integrity, but I'm not offended. You have a disease. A mental one.
    Christianity. Instead of examining your failure to refute my arguments as a way to objectively think about your religion, and about whether or not it's true, and whether or not your interpretation of it is true, you just want to make childish comparisons between me and fictional characters in your "holy" book.

    Sad, but not the first time I've experienced such narrow-mindedness. And nor will it be the last. Oh well.

  16. B.R
    It is a blessing to be narrow-minded. "“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." -Matt. 7:13-14
    Jesus is that narrow way!!!

  17. B.R.
    Could you respond the my post: Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny? You haven't responded to that, and I'm thinking your avoiding it for a reason. Thank you.

  18. B.R
    I'm assuming b/c your an atheist you embrace the theory of evolution as the explanation of life. The post "Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny" give some good objections to that! And a reason to believe in God!

  19. "It is a blessing to be narrow-minded."

    Translation; "I'm a moron and will believe anything the bible says no matter how absurd it is."

    Being narrow-minded means one is a pathetic imbecile who mindlessly clings to their beliefs and ignores all contradicting evidence. In short, people like this are failures as human beings.

  20. "Could you respond the my post: Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny? You haven't responded to that, and I'm thinking your avoiding it for a reason. Thank you. "

    You self-important little turd. So if I don't go out of my way to refute every bare assertion you make on this vile blog, I'm avoiding it? No wonder I'm the only person who gives you undeserved traffic.

  21. "Why is there no sign of evolution in progress today? Evolutionists can provide no examples, but there ought to at least be some."

    Dishonest, lying hack. Just like everyone else who holds your views. When a virus mutates into a new strain to become immune to a vaccine, guess what? That's evolution. This is observed on a daily basis, and has been for years. But Creation-tards admit to being narrow-minded bigots who ignore everything that doesn't cater to their bias, so why should anyone be surprised by this?

    "There should be billions of examples in the fossil record."

    There are, but Christ-tards always say, "Nuh-uh!" when confronted with them, because they hate science and knowledge and pine for the Dark Ages.

    "New information must be introduced from an outside intelligence. It would take more than a mutation of present information to create a new species." "This random mutation (noise) does not increase information, and in the same way, random mutation in natural selection cannot increase new information, so evolution of any kind still requires an intelligence to direct it."

    Evolution is the mechanism by which organisms adapt to their environment. If some magical sky god was directing this process, why was he so messy and inefficient? Many more species have gone extinct than have survived. Natural selection perfectly explains this, but Sky Man-ism cannot.

    The crap about cells does not make any sense whatsoever. Who in Yig's name ever said anything about cells and their parts evolving separately? Again, to believe in this you must be a mentally retarded sub-human imbecile who literally knows NOTHING about biology.

    "Once again, we are confronted with the same "chicken and egg" dilemma, which deals a deathblow to evolution. Just as the law of bio-genesis declares that life can come only from life, necessitating a creative act by God, so the fact that it takes a cell to produce a cell also demands a creative act by God. Thus, the premise that God exists cannot be rejected as an unscientific religious idea. We are forced by science itself to believe in God."

    God of the Gaps fallacy. You must be retarded to make this argument, so of course Creationists make it constantly. There have been loads of theories set forth over how the very first organisms came to be, and this pedantic twit addresses none of them. Furthermore, if the origin of life did indeed require God, then whose god is it? There have been thousands of different creators worshiped by humans, so which one did it? Odin? Shiva? Some primordial god whose name hasn't been spoken in ages?

    And so once again, Creationists show us how stupid people are when they're the products of inbreeding.

  22. By the way, intelligent Christians who are not narrow-minded idiots acknowledge evolution as a mechanism for survival.

  23. B.R.
    "Translation; "I'm a moron and will believe anything the bible says no matter how absurd it is."
    Being narrow-minded means one is a pathetic imbecile who mindlessly clings to their beliefs and ignores all contradicting evidence. In short, people like this are failures as human beings."
    If you cannot be respectful on this blog, please do not comment. You are make general assertions about me that are not do not know me personally nor know the full story of all that I have studied or discovered. If you can't make respectful comments....don't make any.

  24. B.R.
    "There are, but Christ-tards always say, "Nuh-uh!" when confronted with them," SHOW ME THEN!!! That's a challenge bro! (Give me at least 20 or so)
    "Evolution is the mechanism by which organisms adapt to their environment." B.R. We are not talking about the same theory of evolution then. What I'm talking about, is species changing to other species. And it all got started with some big bang. I don't deny species adapting to environments.
    "Creationists show us how stupid people are when they're the products of inbreeding." Do you have any evidence to this disrespectful comment????

  25. B.R.
    A response to the narrow minded thing that clearly got you soooo upset:
    I'm not being narrow minded in the sense that I haven't read or studied other religions or worldviews. THAT'S exactly what I did before I became a Christian. BUT, looking into Christianity allowed me to find TRUTH and meaning and salvation which no other religion, politics, theory could give me!!
    So I feel blessed that Jesus says He is the ONLY way to GOD! The way is narrow, I don't need to be confused about other paths or the truth anymore, b/c I've found it!!! Praise God!
    I challenge you to shut down your (attack) mode...and sincerely seek it out for yourself.

  26. B.R.
    Christian who believe in Theistic evolution don't the Bible seriously and inject their own theories in what God has clearly proclaimed. Theistic evolution is absurd:
    Theistic evolution gives a false representation of the nature of God because death and horror are ascribed to the Creator as principles of creation. Progressive creationism, likewise, allows for millions of years of death and horror before sin.

    The Bible reveals God as our Father in Heaven, whom is
    A) Absolutely Perfect, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." -Matthew 5:48.
    B) Holy, "And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory." - Isaiah 6:3
    C) Omnipotent, "Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:" - Jeremiah 32:17
    Theistic evolution ignores all such biblical creation principles and replaces them with evolutionary notions, thereby contradicting and opposing God's omnipotent acts of creation. Certain essential creation concepts are taught in the Bible.

    These include:
    A. God created matter without using any available material.
    B. God created the earth first, and on the fourth day He added the moon, the solar system, our local galaxy, and all other star systems. This sequence conflicts with all ideas of “cosmic evolution,” such as the “big bang” cosmology.

  27. Oh, on the contrary, I think it is the truth, Ripp. You've openly admitted that you don't care about evidence contradicting your beliefs, that you hold narrow-mindedness as a virtue, and that you don't care about making intelligent arguments against other positions, or even making the attempt. Why accuse me of lying when your conduct and your own words say that I'm not?

    First remove the log from your own eye, then sermonize about the speck in my own.

  28. Your second post is just the same stuff I've heard countless times. I used to be a Christian , and because I wanted the truth more than anything else, I left. Period.

    Theistic evolution is ridiculous, but unfortunately, it's not more ridiculous than throwing rational thought and science out the window in favor of 5,000 year old creation myths. Yes, *myths*.

    Christians are caught in a dilemma, you see. Whether to acknowledge reality as it truly is, or deny and thus sink into stupidity for the rest of their lives. Which choice? Science or lies? Interestingly, if the Christians cult hadn't ever seized power in the first place by murdering hundreds of thousands, and then millions, this conundrum would not exist. Christian values like blind faith would not have dominated Western Civilization for centuries, and intelligent people would automatically choose science over faith and end the whole problem.

    But alas, the situation is different. So now, everyone must choose how to employ their brains; through empirical evidence, the only way to truly know anything, or the endless denial of it. Faith or science. It's that simple. But people are choosing science, Ripp. It's no longer enough to tell the masses that they must believe everything the bible says or go to hell. Public education has greatly disarmed that tactic, and now Christianity is on the run. And it can only run for so long before progress catches up with it and leaves it behind.

    May reason find you--somehow.


  29. B.R.
    Now that is commenting respectfully. Thank you!

  30. B.R
    "Christians cult hadn't ever seized power in the first place by murdering hundreds of thousands, and then millions, this conundrum would not exist."
    Sounds more like how Islam got started than Christianity. Let me make this point, PLEASE do not get Roman Catholicism mixed up with biblical Christianity!!!! I assume when you say "murdering" you are referring to the Catholic Crusades by the evil Popes. That in no way represents true Christianity nor was it taught by Christ Himself.
    True Christians were being martyred for their belief in the Bible and protests against the Popes and Rome. That's where the word "Protest"ant comes from. Here is an article about the true Christians and why Rome doesn't represent biblical Christianity:

  31. B.R.
    "Furthermore, if the origin of life did indeed require God, then whose god is it?"
    The God of the Bible of course!! He is the only one that claims to have created it. The others are just idols and false gods. He is the living God who declared: "And God created......

  32. For your first comment; No True Scotsman Fallacy.

    For your second; confirmation bias, not to mention intellectual laziness. There are hundreds of religions whose deities claim to have created earth and all life. And you have no way of objectively knowing that all other gods are false idols; only a bigoted moron would proclaim this based on a collection of ancient texts that modern skeptics eat for breakfast.

    In short, you don't make arguments; you claim that something is true even all the proof says that it is not. Fundamentalism in a nut-shell.

  33. B.R.
    Welcome back. Do you realize that Christianity alone give the Creator/creature distinction? All other pagan religions have their god being some form of a super-human or that god is in all things.
    Christianity alone make the distinction that The Creator is completely separate from his creation and created it "out of nothing."
    No other major religious teacher claimed to be god, (not Ghandi, Mohammad, Buddha, etc.) Only Jesus Christ said he was God and proved it while on earth with his authority in miracles, healings, etc.
    If you do your research and seek the truth, these things will come to light. I think that you may be the one "bigoted" towards Christianity. Your hatred and resentment is obviously directed towards Christianity.

  34. So I take it you've studied all pagan religions, past and present, thoroughly enough to make that statement? And again, every religion makes claims that are unique. If you can't back this up with evidence, it is meaningless. Furthermore, your accusation of "hated" and bigotry is exactly the kind of irrelevant and stupid drivel I've come to expect from Christians.

    I suppose acting like eight year-olds spares you from having to employ logic. Show where I've been biased on this thread, or any other on this blog, and any comment I've posted that expressed hatred for you. And by the way, don't forget your own resentment towards the truth. I resent your religion, and your resent reality. Who is the worst off?

    P.S.; I've been extremely busy for the last few months, so it may be some time before I return.

  35. B.R.
    How would you define "reality?" I would like to know your definition and exactly why you think I'm resenting it.
    If you think I am, as a Christian, living in some make believe land believing in the Bible..than I assure you..I'm not. There is plenty of reason and logic to believe in the biblical Christian faith.
    It is not a blind faith...but a faith in the person and works of Jesus Christ. Every prophecy made in the Bible will come to pass, as many have already done.
    To reject the Bible as "truth" is to reject truth itself...for Jesus said he was, "thee way, thee TRUTH, thee life."


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