Why Do So Many Reject God's Gospel?
Why do so many reject the greatest gift anyone could ever receive? Why would anyone refuse a gift so amazing that Paul called it "indescribable" (2 Cor. 9:15 )? This free gift of God's grace is offered to everyone, yet very few ever receive it. What causes people to reject the everlasting glory of eternal life with Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 6:23 )? From a human perspective this makes absolutely no sense, but from a divine perspective, the answers are all found in God's Word. Spiritual Blindness The apostle Paul wrote: "the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" (2 Cor. 4:4). Unbelievers are spiritually blind with a veil covering their heart. The only way the veil of blindness can be removed is by turning to the Lord (2 Cor. 3:16 ). Until then, they are excluded from the life of God and remain darkened in their ...