
Showing posts from December, 2024

The Rapture According To New Age (Demonic Channelers)

"The people who leave the planet during the time of Earth changes do not fit in here    any longer, and they are stopping the harmony of Earth. When the time comes that perhaps 20 million people leave the planet at one time there will be   a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining."   -Barbara Marciniak,  "Bringers of the Dawn"  (a Newager) 👉🏻The disappearance of every born-again Christian in the Rapture is a real imminent Biblical event as laid out in 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 &. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Satan and the demonic realm are preparing humanity for a narrative contrary to the revealed Word of God! You will notice in these quotes how they twist the Scriptures!!!  What follows are some quotes from members of the New Age movement who dabble in a practice called "channeling." Channeling is a process whereby you open your mind and soul through meditation and relaxation to the influence and direction of non-human beings. T...


( Taken from: The Church in History; Stanford Murrel) “The absence of an official state church in America may be due to several considerations: The wide variety of emigration to the colonies after 1690. There were Huguenots and Quakers. There Were 200,000 Germans of Lutheran and Reformed persuasion. There were Pietists, and Presbyterians of Scotch-rish descent from Northem Ireland. By 1760 there were more than 2,500,000 people in the colonies, a third of which were bom outside the American colonies. This great diversity discouraged the establishment of an official state church over all the colonies. The effect of the proprietary colonies also hindered the establishing of a State Church. The desire to make a colony successful demanded cooperation of people from all walks of life and religious persuasions. The great revivals of the colonies discouraged the preferring of one state church over another: Denominational lines are always transcended when the love of God and the grace o...

UFO’s in light of the Bible!

  UFO cults are founded on the same weakness in man’s spiritual condition that inspired him in ancient times when he “changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things” (Rom. 1:23), and this rebellion remains strong today. Ideas and events that seem mysterious or unexplained are always fertile ground for all kinds of self-proclaimed religious revelators who take advantage of natural human curiosity. They stand ready to explain the unexplained through personal revelation, using clever semantics to reformulate God’s words into a recycled amalgam that resembles Christian terminology but lacks its true definition. Jesus called similar revisionists “blind guides” (Matt. 23:16), a description that unfortunately fits UFO religionists all too well. A vital clue to the UFO mystery is this: UFO theology—gained from these so-called close encounters—is diametrically opposed to Christianity. The world of the ...

Prophecy Students: Are You Taking the Sweet with the Bitter?

All God’s Word is sweet! ( Ps. 19:10 ;  119:103 ), but especially the initial exposure to prophetic passages. Often, those who “eat” prophetic Scripture “sit on the edge of their seat” and focus on its quick fulfillment. Like a perpetual “sugar high,” it provides an initial surge of energy and motivation, but will never sustain like a balanced meal of God’s Word. The continual chasing after the latest prophetic conference, while superficially treating prophetic passages and never grasping important aspects of God’s character—His heart for the lost and His ultimate interest in restoration over judgment—is sure to lead to disillusionment and will shipwreck the faith of some. Critics of the  Rapture  rightfully point to those who continually overemphasize prophetic passages within a shallow framework of Scriptural understanding and are forever watching for  Antichrist  rather than Christ. Arnold Fruchtenbaum says in His Footsteps of the Messiah: To almost all peop...

Evangelizing Catholics: Why It Matters

According to the current ecumenical spirit of the times, it might not be "politically correct" to say that many Roman Catholics are  lost and are in need of evangelization.* I am aware of the controversial "Evangel-icals and Catholics Together" document, signed by both evangelicals and Catholics. This document declares evangelical-Catholic unity, and its signers promise to refrain from evangelizing one another's flocks, labeling this activity "sheep stealing." In this document we read: "Evangelicals and Catholics are brothers and sisters in Christ." "We thank God for the discovery of one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.""The love of Christ compels us and we are explore patterns of working and witnessing together in order to advance the one mission of Christ." Certainly I concede that Catholics and evangelicals can work together for the betterment of society, actively countering secula...

How I came to Jesus Christ! 🙌🏻

 Check out how I came to Jesus Christ! Watch here:

The Roman Catholic Church Did Not Give Us the Bible 📜

Some defenders of the Roman Catholic Church argue that the Magisterium is the rightful interpreter and authoritative teacher of Scripture because the Church gave Christianity the Bible. If it were not for the Church, they argue, no one could know with certainty even which books belong in the Bible. This argument is based on faulty assumptions. The early Christians did not receive the Bible from the Roman Catholic Church. They received the Bible from the Holy Spirit, who inspired it. Catholics who argue to the contrary are not representing the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. Speaking of the books of both Testaments, the First Vatican Council stated:  “These books the church holds to be sacred and canonical not because she subsequently approved them by her authority after they had been composed by unaided human skill, nor simply because they contain revelation without error, but because, being written under the inspiration of the holy Spirit, they have God as their au...

I’m on Twitter (X) as Busy 4 the Lord! Subscribe!

 Hey family!  I am now on X. Follow me here:

The Importance of Reaching Roman Catholics!!

 Here is my live stream from my Youtube channel (Busy 4 the Lord). Share it with fellow Catholics. Watch it here  Livestream