Discovering God’s timetable (Dan. 9:20–27)
We don’t know at what time of day Daniel began to pray, but he was still praying at the time of the evening burnt offering, which was about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. He was living in Babylon but was still measuring time by Jewish religious practices! His body was in Babylon, but his mind and heart were in Jerusalem. Had the temple been standing and the priests still officiating, this would have been “the ninth hour” when the lamb was offered as a burnt offering (Ex. 29:38–41; Acts 3:1; 10:30). It was one of the three occasions during the day when Daniel set aside time to offer special prayer to the Lord (Dan. 6:10; Ps. 55:17). This was also the time when Ezra the scribe prayed for God to forgive the sins of the Jewish remnant that had returned to the land (Ezra 9:5). There is a sense in which prayer is seen by God as a spiritual sacrifice to Him (Ps. 141:1–2). While Daniel was praying, the angel Gabriel came swiftly to him, interrupted his prayer, touched him, and spoke t...