
Showing posts from June, 2020

17 Ways No One Will Go To Heaven


False teachers

(Excerpt taken from Religious Trojan Horse by B. Howse): “I believe God allows false teachers in order to test whether or not the Church will be faithful in its biblical mandate to expose false teachers and protect the sheep from spiritual poison and wolves in sheep’s clothing. ephesians 5:11 makes it clear we are to expose false teachers: “and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” If a pastor will not point out the wolves among the sheep, then this should be a clear warning to the flock that the shepherd does not have its best interest in mind. Such a hireling is not called of God but is simply involved in an occupation for personal gain as revealed in 1 Timothy 6:5 (“...who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain”). Such nonshepherds show that they are more interested in their reputations and in being seen by the larger, unsaved community as tolerant and nonjudgmental. False teachers give she...


Enslaved   ( douleuo from doulos = slave or one who is in bondage or bound to another, in the state of being completely controlled by someone or something) means to be in bondage or in the position of servant and to act accordingly, dutifully obeying the master's commands. Our society today is a slave to many things. When you hear the word slavery it usually gives you a negative image. I want to briefly go over a few things that come to my mind when I think of our society being enslaved. Pharmaceutical s When you look at how many people are dependent upon the drug industry to help their bodies function, it's staggering how many medications some people take per day. With all the side effects you begin to wonder what profit there is in taking them? God has given us natural herbs built into this earth which are directly related to helping with any ailment we may have. So why aren't more people taking herbs? Well, many people are enslaved by the Western medicine...

Duty of Christian Men to Prepare for Physical Conflict

This is an excellent sermon for such a time as this!! This talk points out a lot of topics relevant to the current state our nation and is worth listening to!! Christians ought to be prepared for anything that comes!! Watch it all here: Also watch Pastor Matt on this timely subject: