What Have Leading Thinkers and Those of Influence Stated About Jesus?
Now in light of such claims by Jesus, consider what informed and great men historically and today—believers and unbelievers alike—have said about Jesus. Could all of them, down to the last man, be mistaken? Certainly if men and women, as those listed below, felt it was vital to be informed on Jesus Christ, perhaps we should also become informed. Can you read all of the statements in the following chart and still believe investigating Jesus is not a worthwhile endeavor? “Jesus Christ is the centre of everything and the object of everything, and he who does not know Him knows nothing of the order of nature and nothing of himself.” -Blaise Pascal, French philosopher and scientist, author of the classic work, Pensées “The unique impression of Jesus upon mankind—whose name is not so much written as ploughed into the history of the world—is proof of the subtle virtue of this infusion.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson, American poet and transcendentalist “Christ is not valued at all unless He be valu...