
Showing posts from April, 2022

Are We There Yet?

 The million dollar question these days seems to be: How much will the Church see before we are raptured out of here? There is so much projected on the Horizon, one is left wondering….would the Lord allow the church to go through that?  Food shortages, EMP attacks, Foreign Invasion, Hyperinflation, Increased Persecution, etc. All these and much more have people wondering how close the Rapture is. Many believe it is not God’s will for the church to see any crisis before the Rapture. However, the promises in the Bible are that the church escapes the Tribulation (God’s wrath), not little tribulations! We are in the beginnings of sorrows and have been! 2020 is when the world stage really started to shift and things began to progress quicker!  So, everyone wants to know, when Lord? (Including me). However, I believe we glorify the Lord more when we DON’T know exactly when. This is hard for me to admit! The Lord will judge each believer at the Bema seat of Christ for how they w...