
A Friend Who Turned His Back On God

 ❓ Question: I have a friend who turned his back on God after his third year in a conservative evangelical seminary. He was taught that God has already decided who will be saved and who will spend eternity in hell; who will have good things happen to him in life, and who will have bad. Can you help me to help him? ✅Answer: There is no doubt that God is sovereign and could have predestined some to heaven and some to hell. Or He could send us all to hell because that is what we deserve. The question is not God’s sovereignty, however, but His love. And that God wants all mankind to be saved and to be in heaven is clear: "For God so loved the world…that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:16-17). "The father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world (1 John 4:14). "The Lord is…not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). "Who will have all men to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth" (...


People have said, “Heaven will be perfect, but a sinless environment doesn’t mean we can’t sin; Adam and Eve proved that. They lived in a sinless place, yet they sinned." It's true that Satan tempted them, but he too originally was a perfect being living in a perfect environment, beholding God himself. Not only was there no sin in Heaven; there was no sin in the universe. Yet Satan sinned. Hence, Heaven's perfection, it seems, doesn't guarantee there'll be no future sin. Some people also argue that being human demands free choice, and therefore we must have the capacity to choose evil in Heaven. If that's true, then we could experience another Fall. Clearly, this is a question of great importance. CAN WE KNOW WE WON'T SIN? Christ promises on the New Earth, "There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4). Since "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), the promise...

Jesus Christ - The All Sufficient Savior

  Satan's greatest and most damning lie that seduces and ensnares people of all religions is that man must do good works to appease their god. Every religion in the world deceives its people by teaching a works-righteousness salvation. Biblical Christianity stands alone because it offers an all-sufficient Savior who saves by grace apart from works. The Lord Jesus did everything necessary to save sinners completely and forever! Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in the person and all-sufficient work of the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, anyone who attempts to merit their way to heaven by good works has nullified saving grace (Rom. 11:6). How Is Saving Faith Different from All Other Faiths? Since everyone has faith in something, the object of one's faith is of utmost importance. Saving faith is trusting both the person and the work of Jesus Christ. It is trusting who He is as well as all that He accomplished to save sinners completely (John 20:31; Rom.  5:15-21 ). Sa...

THE GREAT RESET: The Coming Beast System of Revelation 13/Daniel 7

The Driving Force Artificial Intelligence (AI) is described as, “systems that combine sophisticated hardware and software with elaborate databases and knowledge-based processing models to demonstrate characteristics of effective human decision making.” [ Source ] The World Economic Forum recognizes AI as “the engine of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. [ Source ] AI as applied/ utilized by social media platforms is trained with an objective and exploitative function: target users with ads for maximum ad revenue, by highlighting the newsfeed ensuring users remain on the platform for as many hours, minutes and seconds as possible. The Fourth Industrial Revolution cannot come into fruition without the 5G infrastructure that will run the Internet of Things. “Smart” cities must be understood within the context of global policing and the military industrial complex. Cybersecurity will be the battle space of the 21st century. Total Control 6G promises increased bio-cybernetic identity (ident...